Rowen Conbolt

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Name: Rowen Conbolt

Gender: Male

Age: 8

Height: Whatever an eight-year-old is

- Dark blue hair
- Brown eyes
- Tan skin

- Loud
- Clingy
- Responsible
- Ambitious

Sexuality: Calm down, he's eight. He has time to figure it out.

Father (Romeo Conbolt)
Mother (Wendy Marvel)

Siblings: None

Magic: Sky Dragon Slayer

Guild Mark: Left shoulder [DARK BLUE]

His parents
Reid (his Exceed; the son of Happy and Carla)

- Helping his mom with healing people
- Apple Pies
- Sour Candy
- Summer

- Winter
- Watching people get hurt
- Big Dogs (he's kinda short, and they scare him, because he once saw Uncle Natsu get chased by one)
- Loud noises

Extra Notes:
- He was the last one born of the new generation
- His goal in life is to be able to help heal people, just like his mother
- He likes hanging around his Dad, because there's always something fun going on

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