Chapter 2

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Next chapter :3 I know a lot of the first few chapters can be very wordy, and a little uninteresting at times, but hang in there because they are important for the more interesting things that come later! I try my best to make them as entertaining as possible. Hope you enjoy chapter 2! 


Okay, so for those of you who aren't in college yet, haven't gone, or don't want to go (nothing wrong with that :3) I just wanted to give you a little crash course on how the classes work in undergrad when you are striving for your bachelors, as well as how they get their number. This is geared towards universities in the United States, so I want to make it clear that I do not know how college works in other countries. Classes are divided into three sections, morning classes, afternoon classes, and night classes. The one's taken at night where you have to physically show up in the classroom, generally stop at around 10 pm, though it is different for other campuses I'm sure. Classes taken by freshmen are typically core classes, aka, the classes everyone has to take to be able to graduate. They are 100 level classes that serve to introduce students to the subject. Ex. ENG 111 (entry level english class, part 1) ENG 112 (entry level english class part 2). As you go up a year, the classes become more challenging as they branch off into more specific categories. Sophomore(second year) level classes are 200 level. Ex. LIT 240 (intro to american literature) BIO 220 (sophomore level bio class). Dez is a junior, so the classes that he takes are predominantly 300 level courses. Junior year courses are generally where you start to diverge into more specific class types so students can work towards exactly what major they want. They may have the same category tag, and the first number represents the year, but the rest of the number represents the class type, and can be tailored to each specific school. Ex. Lit 351 (this could be any number of more specific lesson types as a junior level literature class, like poetry, or nonfiction, renaissance writing, etc.). Senior classes are the hardest level, and students are expected to show a full and complete knowledge of their major, in order to be able to complete their "major competency" requirement. Major competency can be anything from taking a class to build your portfolio, to an exam, a thesis , or any number of combinations. For example, in my school, I am a english literature major, striving for a teacher's licensure in 9-12 grade levels. In my senior year I have to write a thirty page thesis paper, take an exam, and show that I can teach in a classroom before I can graduate. This shows that the students are well equipped with the knowledge and tools they need to continue on with their education to grad school, or to begin their careers. As follows the trend, senior (fourth year) level courses are tagged in a 400 category. EX. HUM 426 (senior level humanities). There is a lot more information around this stuff, but for now I will leave it at that. This was just to get you all to understand the basics of how the courses work. :)


"His name is Ryker, last name unknown, the problem he has with pretty much all of humanity, unknown. He transferred in from some school in the mountains, which school..." Matt grumbled on, before he was interrupted by KJ.

"Let me guess, which school he transferred from is unknown?" The brunette asked, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

Matt eyed the smaller male, his eyes expressing concern with every grimace that crossed over KJ's face. As much as he tried to play it cool, and pretend he wasn't in a massive amount of pain, both Matt and Dez could see past their friends' blasé exterior. That punch had been hard enough to break a bone, and the both of them had been pestering KJ to get checked out by the medical center. However, KJ being... well-- KJ, refused to go to any type of doctor, so Dez and Matt had let it go for the time being.

They currently sat lazily in the grass back on the quad, all of them except Dez having been done with their classes for the day. The blonde still had a Chem 351 lab, but he didn't mind because it was a pretty interesting class, even if it was an evening course.

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