Chapter 3

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I love KJ <3 honestly, he's such a fun character to write. 

Comment, who is your favorite character so far? :) 



I stood in front of the small closet in my room, my brows pinched in concentration, as I tried to drown out the loud rock music KJ was playing. The brunette boy was laying on my bed, his head leaning over the side and allowing his hair to stick up like a porcupine.

"K, dude, could you please turn that shit down. I promised Karina I'd go to this party, and I really don't feel like going with a blasting headache." I half-yelled, trying my best to speak over the guitar solo blaring through the speakers.

I barely caught the way KJ's tongue clicked in irritation, before he turned the volume down a couple of notches, and rolled onto his stomach to face me. His cheeks were smooshed up dramatically with the way he rested his face in his palms.

"I'm bored" He whined "You've been standing in that closet, trying to figure out what to wear, for what feels like ten years now. It's just some stupid frat party, not a damn gala, so throw on some sweat pants and a t-shirt. I swear, everyone will be too drunk to notice, or remember, by the time the night is over."

I threw a glare at him over my shoulder while I shifted through the hung up plethora of clothing. The sounds of the hangers clicking and scraping against one another became more prominent, as my movements expressed my growing frustrations.

"I don't care about what everyone else thinks, I care about what Karina thinks. She notices these kinds of things all the time, and the last time I showed up to an event in, I quote, 'classless' attire, she dragged me halfway across town for a shopping trip. If you're so bored, while I'm simply trying to save my wallet from bankruptcy, then go bother Matt."

KJ grumbled something under his breath, which sounded oddly like "even more boring," and pressed his face into my comforter with a dramatic sigh.

"Dish ish wah m shinga" his distorted voice rose up from the bed.

"Huh?" I questioned, not even bothering to turn around and face him this time.

KJ flung his head up, and declared in a loud, sassy voice, "I said! This is why I'm single. Girls are too much hassle. You never know what they are thinking, and what they expect, and they cry, or whine at the drop of a pin."

"Sounds like someone else I know" I mused in a theatrical tone.

"I'm serious, man, I don't know how you do it. I mean, Karina is great and all, and definitely cooler than most of the brainless bimbo's walking around campus in their push up bras and ass-baring shorts. But even so, what do you gain from going out with her, if you spend half your time worrying over what she thinks?" KJ questioned, cocking his head in my direction like a puppy begging its owner to throw it a bone.

"Companionship, genuinity, and, more importantly, I get her loyalty. Trust is a hard thing to earn, and an even harder thing to give." I replied almost instantly, the answer seeming simple and obvious to me, but clearly not so for my friend.

KJ hmph-ed, before, resting his chin on his folded forearms, and gazing contemplatively at my wardrobe.

"Wear your black, ripped skinny jeans -- the ones that come with the detailing on the pocket seams -- and that grey polo you got at the mall last week. They show you are toned, while leaving some to the imagination. It looks casual, but smart at the same time."

I opened my mouth in awe, wondering why I hadn't thought of that combination sooner. I pulled the two items in question off of the rack, and turned back around to face KJ fully.

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