Chapter 4

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Warning: mildly sexual content. 


"Hey there cutie, you look awful lonely sitting here by yourself." A high pitched, female voice suddenly cooed in front of me.

I was forcefully pulled out of my drunken stupor, the lights flashing around me having seemed to put me in some sort of trance. I brought my eyes to face the source of the voice, seeing a brunette girl, with light makeup, and beautiful caramel skin, smiling down at me. She seemed sweet enough, but I was used to having to turn girls away when Karina wasn't with me.

"Alone? I'm not..." I stopped mid sentence when I realized KJ and Matt were nowhere to be found. They must have left during my zoning out, the backstabbers, what happened to "never leave a brother behind?"

"So it would seem I am alone." I finished, taking another sip of my drink, and nearly choking as the dark-haired girl sat next to me, and pressed herself into my side. 

"I can fix that" she purred lowly in my ear, and if that didn't send a sharp jolt down to my, very drunk, nether regions, then the hand stroking my neck surely would. My neck had always been my weak point, though the only person who knew that was Karina. It took all of the will power in me to gently grab her wrist and place it back down in her own lap. She cast me a hurt, and confused gaze, which I returned with an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, you are very beautiful, don't get me wrong, but I have a girlfriend." I struggled to hide the slur in my voice, this way she knew I was being serious, and not willing to cheat on my partner.

She went to get up, looking a little upset, and embarrassed at the same time. I place a gentle hand on hers, and shook my head to let her know she could stay. I stood up, suddenly feeling extremely nauseous.

How long have I been drinking?

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket, but as the bright light hit my eyes, I cringed away and clicked the screen off.

Okay Dez, we're just gonna call it 'half passed you-are-too-far-gone'. I internally decided, bringing a hand up to try rub away the ache forming behind my brow.

I needed to get to a bathroom, before my stomach spilled out all over the dance floor. The people around me seemed to move in slow motion, as the beat of the music seemed to pound in tune with my racing heart. My breathing was picking up, and my body tilted against the railing as I walked up a flight of stairs. My vision skewed, and every object appeared to leave a foggy contrail of color and light.

Once I was finally able to get to the top of the stairs, the music was less ear pounding, and the lighting was thankfully dimmer. There were less people, though I still had to squeeze my way through small groups.

"Dez? Are you okay man?" A voice asked me, but I could barely concentrate on it. It was as if the person was speaking to me through a tunnel, their every word echoing, but not quite registering.

"Bathroom" I mumbled, pushing past the large figure to continue my search.

This wasn't normal. I'd been drunk several times, even before I legally could, and I had never experienced something like this. I knew Matt would never spike my drink, but who knew how long I was alone before I realized he and KJ were missing.

My panic only continued to rise as I stumbled up the next flight of stairs, heading deeper and deeper into the dark and quiet. Once at the top, I noticed the significant lack of people. The brief thought passed through my head, that maybe I shouldn't be up here. Even frat parties had rules, and some areas might be off limits to guests. However, as my stomach lurched violently, and made my head swim even more with a wave of dizziness, my brain went completely blank. I began opening doors, knowing somewhere up here there must be a bathroom. Most of the rooms were empty, save for some sleeping residents who had no interest in the party.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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