18:16, Outside beach house

16 1 0

(And so the pursuit begins. The pursuit of the mysterious witch nabber! With the advanced senses of sight, smell and hearing, Sonic and Hedgehog accompanied Susie to where she was nabbed. They, Shadow and Tails all stopped by a large boulder.)
Susie: Here! Here was where I was captured!
Tails: Any sort of scent you 2 are picking up, you guys?
Hedgehog: It's faint, but yeah.
Sonic: (sniffs) Dragon's Breath? No, watermelon? No. Rose Water?
Shadow: Enough fooling around! Besides, with your increased sense of smell, these scents are useless!
Hedgehog: Shut up, faker! I think Sonic is up to something.
Tails: This seems interesting. Could these scents lead back to the investigation, somehow?
Hedgehog: Yes. Sonic said something about Dragon's Breath, watermelon and Rose Water, right. (Everyone nods) I remember one person wearing a Rose Water and watermelon perfume, and that she...(gasps, quivers) No, it can't be her.
Tails: What? Who? Amy, Rouge, Sticks?
Hedgehog: No. Well, let's just say that she's an old mentor of mine.
Susie: Old mentor?(gasps) I know where to go next! Follow me!

(Susie immediately got on her broom, opened a portal and flew through it. Shadow, Sonic Hedgehog and Tails caught up on the Tornado 1. Everyone ended up at a familiar looking island. This island was known as Summer Camp Island.)
Susie: We're here!
Shadow: Where are we?
Susie: Sonic, Shadow, Tails, welcome to Summer Camp Island. There are 2 people that can help us in saving Cosmo.
Sonic: Oh really? Who?
Susie: You'll see.

(Everyone lands on the island and is ready to save the day.)
Sonic: Well I'll be. Silver, it's great to see you again.
Silver: Hello, Sonic, Tails, Shadow, Hedgehog, Susie. It's great to see you too.
Shadow: Who's the rookie? (Points at Oscar)
Hedgehog: Shadow, Sonic, Tails. Meet Oscar Peltzer. CIA Special Agent, and a very respectful spy.
Oscar: Don't forget that we're best friends, too.
Silver: All introductions aside, we know why you're here. You're here to find the traitor that's trying to resurrect Cosmo and destroy the world. We know where to look.
Oscar: Follow us!

(Everyone then ventured out to the camp counselors' cabins. But something feels odd. Instead of 3 individual cabins, everyone found 1 massive cabin as soon as they arrived. Everyone hid somewhere near the cabin to avoid getting caught.)

Sonic: We've got the culprit, we've got the area, so what's the plan?
Oscar: Here's the plan: Silver will will use his psycokenesis and fly Sonic and Shadow to an entrance on top. Sonic will then send Shadow through the entrance and Shadow will then induce a Chaos Control amongst the perpetrator. Tails, Susie, Hedgehog, this is where you guys come in. There are 3 machines in charge of the resurrection, memory conversion and power amplifying of Cosmo. Whilst Susie is keeping guard of the area, the 3 of us will try and figure out how to stop at least 2 of the machines. Then we wake the traitor up from her "Chaos Control nap", kick some butt and save the world. Everyone understand. (Everyone nods)
Hedgehog: Let's go kick some bad guy butt.
Tails: And save Cosmo.

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