Chapter One

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I'm so nervous that I'm almost embarrassed by it. Before I came in, I prayed that first day jitters were nothing more than a childhood memory. How wrong I was, I gulped hard as I followed around Mr. Dickey while he explained different parts of the bank.

I'm starting as a receptionist. I'll be doing the simple stuff like answering phone calls and questions, greeting people with a warm smile, and lastly assisting them to wherever they need to go in the bank. It isn't much but it is a job. And it paid a hell lot better than my failed attempt at waitressing.

"And here are a handful of our bank clerks, the rest are currently on lunch break so you'll meet with them later." He explained before we stopped in front of a desk, I watched him roll his eyes a little too hard. "Ipkiss, Schumaker, I'd like you to meet our new receptionist. Emily Harp."

I watched the two men stand up a little fast before chuckling it off as if it was nothing. I held out my hand before shaking both of theirs "It's a pleasure to meet you both." I replied genuinely.

Schumaker grinned "No, no, the pleasure is all mine." I laughed awkwardly and looked back at the other man known as Ipkiss. Mr. Dickey looked at his wrist before muttering a curse under his breath and placing a hand on my shoulder "I'm sorry to cut this short, but I have to meet with someone. Ipkiss can fill you in on any questions you may have around the banking information," I looked over to the man who smiled back at me before Dickey continued in a sly voice. "And if you need anything. Anything at all, feel free to visit my office."


I forced a smile and nodded with a small thanks, and with that he quickly walked off. I turned back towards the men before clearing my throat "I actually, I'm really sorry to bother you so soon but I have a few questions."

Schumaker blurted out before Ipkiss got in a word, "You know, I have an opening for lunch. I wouldn't mind helping you out."

How do I tell someone politely that I'm not only not interested, but they're also unattractive? I just shook my head and replied "I'm sorry Mr. Schumaker but I'd prefer to stick with Ipkiss here. Afterall, that was Mr. Dickey's orders and I'd hate to start a bad reputation so soon."

Ipkiss chirped in "Of course not, you wouldn't want to get on his bad side. Trust me," He almost snorted out a laughter before scrunching his eyebrows in slight regret. "Here, have a seat!" he motioned towards the seat across his desk and I sat down before opening my notebook.

I looked over his desk for only a moment before spotting the plaque. "Stanley, Stanley Ipkiss? That's a nice name." I commented as I watched him nervously tap the pen against the desk repeatedly. "Oh, thank you. I didn't pick it out."

I let out a small laugh "That's funny because I specifically requested my name." He seemed a little surprised that I played along. "So, so, these questions?"

We spent a few minutes going over the basic questions only a bank clerk would know the answers to. I watched him stumble over his words several times, act a little goofy and play off terrible jokes.

The more I listened to him talk, the more I noticed how attractive Stanley is. Sure he had this boring professional look going on but it didn't hide his overall wacky charm. I mentally slap myself, I don't need the distraction of an office crush. Especially one I met thirty minutes ago.

"Well, I appreciate it a ton Stanley. This is going to make those phone calls a lot easier," I chuckle with sigh before closing my notebook and standing up. "Hey, uh..." He stopped and ran a hand through his brown hair "I hope this isn't too invasive but I could give you my number in case you have any other questions?"

I scrunch my eyebrows slightly. What bank questions could I possibly need answered outside of work? I guess it would be nice to have a contact with someone who doesn't seem as big of a creep as Schmucker over there. Plus, he's cute. I'm sold within five seconds.

"That sounds great, thanks Stanley."

"Of course, anytime really-" We both noticed him jamming a pen into the pencil sharpener instead of a dull pencil. He looked at me before throwing it to the side as if it didn't happen, he grabbed another pen and quickly wrote down his number.

He huffed out awkwardly as he handed it to me "Like I was saying, it's no problem." I waved the little piece of paper as I walked away with a smile.

I feel good about this job already.

That night

I'm heading straight for the CoCo Bongo. Trust me, I know the name is ridiculous and if you asked me I'd be the first one to admit it. I have a friend who is pretty close with the owner, Tina Carlye, the girl is basically summed up by the words eye-candy but she has always been sweet enough to me as a friend.

I wasn't sure about coming if I was honest. This whole scene isn't my thing but the whole town's talking about this joint. And not to mention tonight is the grand opening of Tina's act, how could I miss something like that.

I walk down the sidewalk almost near the entrance when I see a familiar face. "Mr. Ipkiss?" I call out slightly confused to see the man from work still in his suit covered in some kind of dirty liquid as he stood on the sidewalk looking irritated.

He turned around to face me and I could see his eyes go wide. "Hi," He replied a little breathy as if he was surprised to see me."Are you okay?" I can't help but laugh a little, this whole scene looked a little comical.

"Me? I'm great, really good. I just-, never felt better really! I'm just uh, catching some air out here." I watched behind him as a rusty old beat up car pulled him during his stuttering ramble, a valet stepping behind him holding out a key "Your car, sir."

"That's not my car..." He laughed uneasy before him and the valet went back and forth. "Alright, I'll take it... but I am very angry!" He stomped off to the beat up hunk of junk and I rushed over to catch up with him.

"Were you trying to get into the club?" He looked embarrassed before spitting out a scramble of words about just seeing how bad the crowd was and deciding it wasn't worth the time of day. I just chuckled and nodded, it was clear what was really going on here.

"Stanley, would you like to come inside with me?" He seemed taken aback before messing up his hair a little bit. "You know, I'm not really dressed for the occasion. But uh,"

I cut him off before he could continue some other nonsense as he seems to do regularly. "Well, if not tonight... How about some other time? If you want to of course, no pressure. I just have a friend who works here now and we could easily get in."

I watched him smile. And for once, it wasn't embarrassed or a forced cover up. He had an actual smile, the kind you have when someone compliments you. "I would really like that Emily."

"Great... Well, good luck figuring out the car situation." I continued on with his obvious lie before stepping back onto the sidewalk and giving a small wave.

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