Chapter Three

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Last night I found myself stumbling home. It wasn't the fruity drinks from the club but instead the man who physically swept me off my feet. Everything that happened last night felt unreal and impossible, who was that man?

I had to force myself out of bed this morning as I rushed twenty minutes behind schedule. With the chaos running through my head I almost forgot I promised to pick up Stanley, and so I found myself now outside of his apartment after speeding like a madman. I nervously bit my lip as I scrambled into the apartment building and found his door.

I knocked on the door a little too impatiently out of fear I missed him. I couldn't imagine facing him at work after failing to pick him up on time. He opened the door and looked just as surprised to see me. I wanted to immediately apologize for missing the time but my eyes fell on the police officer behind him.

Well, that and his funny pajama set.

"Emily, I-... I totally forgot, I'm so sorry." He breathed out before looking back at the man behind him. "Lieutenant, I am seriously late for work. I don't know what else to tell you."

The man looked him down before mumbling under breath. He walked past me before turning back"Just know Mr. Ipkiss, I'm watching you closely." And with that he headed towards the stairs.

"I, uh, I'm really sorry for being late Stanley. I overslept... but I can see you've done the same." I looked over his striped pajamas with an eyebrow raised.

He looked down and grimaced in response. Looking behind himself before commenting "I would invite you in but the place is kind of a mess."

"Oh no, that's alright. I'll be in the car, although you might want to hurry because we're late to work." I laughed it off but in reality, I'm a little worried. I'm showing up late so soon after being hired? This looks terrible on me as an employee.

Before walking down the stairs I couldn't help but notice the bullet holes in the wall and floors, and the huge holes as if somebody smashed the floor. Weird, I thought Ipkiss would live in a nicer place but who am I to judge.

I only had to sit in the car for a few moments before he came rushing out. I laughed a little as he basically jumped in the passenger seat.

"Do you think Mr. Dickey is going to kill us?" I asked as I pulled off onto the road.

"Oh, most definitely."

My eyes rushed a glimpse at him. He seemed stressed, really stressed, and not in the 'I'm late for work' way. I gathered the small bit of courage I had in me and asked "I know this isn't my business but... What was that cop doing in your apartment?"

Nervously he forced out a laugh, it was so dry you could tell.

"I couldn't explain it if I wanted to."

I slowly nodded trying to be understanding but only felt more confused. Ipkiss seemed like such a normal guy but the more I hang around him, the more layers I'm starting to think he has.

The quiet car ride between us brought time to think about the night before. The man in the green mask and his bizarre ways. I tried to recall every moment that I spent with him. I sound crazy and maybe I am going crazy, but the more I think about him the more I find myself wanting to see him again.

He could be dangerous but he saved me last night. He led me out the building and not to mention that kiss, the only word I could use to describe it was unforgettable. I know I've been single for a long time... but I have never been kissed like that.

As I thought about every moment with him, we pulled up to the bank. Oh my God, the BANK. I looked at the several police vehicles in front of the bank and my mind is pausing on the words from last night 'The bank and I are very familiar. I guess that's why all of the money is in the limo'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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