Chapter Two

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"No ma'am, you can come right in. We'll help you set up that account anytime!" The customer service tone truly existed and I've seemed to master it already. She and I said our goodbyes before I placed the telephone back down in the receiver.

It sounds silly and I know it is, but my eyes have been drifting towards Stanley's desk since I arrived. He's late and I'm a little concerned by Mr. Dickey's reaction earlier, he wanted me to tell him the moment Ipkiss arrived.

I glance towards his desk and notice that he's finally arrived but Dickey beat me to it. Does this guy do anything beside pry around what we're doing all day? I suppose supervision is important in the workplace though.

I wait until Dickey walks away before casually strolling over to his desk. "Hey Ipkiss!" I try to call out cheerily and I notice his grim face lightening up a little as we make eye contact. "Listen, I was going to warn you about Mr. Dickey but he seemed to beat me here."

He blew air out of his mouth "Don't worry about it. It's my fault for being late, you know?" He seemed a bit troubled. I wish I could help, I can't stand seeing people like this. "Yeah, what was that about? You don't seem like the type of guy to blow off work."

"My car is in the shop and I don't see it coming out for a few days."

I bit my lip nervously. Innerwardly fighting with myself...

I hardly know this guy, do not offer to give him a ride to work. You'd be stupid to be so trusting Emily.

But then again Ipkiss seems like such a nice guy! A few days to help a new work friend wouldn't kill you. Plus, you hardly have any friends. It would be nice to have someone to talk to.

I might regret this but I'm taking the risk. "Ipkiss, you know, I wouldn't mind lending you a ride to work for a few days... since you know, we work in the same location... it's not a huge inconvenience." I cringed as the words stumbled out of my mouth and it sounded nowhere near confident.

He looked at me stunned in response "No, no, it's alright. I don't want to put you on the spot like that."

"No, really Stanley, I don't mind. At least let me give you a ride Tomorrow until you can figure something out."

He watched me for a moment and I couldn't figure out what was going on in his head. We just sat there for a moment in silence and I felt a blush grow on my cheeks before somebody cleared their throat behind me.

"Is everything okay, Emily?" Mr. Dickey stood uncomfortably close towards me and I looked back before shuffling to the side slightly. "Yes! I just, uh, I made Ipkiss a coffee. I wasn't sure how you liked it but... yeah." I placed the mug on his desk before turning around back towards my desk.

I could feel Dickey following me back. "Just so you know, you don't have to get anyone a coffee. That's not part of your job." He chuckled and I resisted rolling my eyes.

"I know, Ipkiss and I are buddies. Thank you though," I watched his eyes shift down in thought and his hand knock on the wooden desk slightly before pushing himself off in a different direction. I couldn't help but feel a small smirk form when I hear him mumble 'buddies' under his breath.

Men are ridiculous.


The work day continued pretty slow. Phone calls here and there, answering basic questions for visitors who drop in. It's been kind of nice in this job besides some of the men I'm not too fond of here. I suppose that is just the work field in this age.

"Excuse me?" A woman with red curly hair and a pretty smile walked up. I smiled back "How can I help you today?"

"I'm looking for a Stanley Ipkiss, is he here today?" I looked over her again. She was gorgeous in every way, and she was here to see Ipkiss. Maybe he has a girlfriend and I've been over pushing the boundaries... God, if that's true I'd have to quit this job. I couldn't live with the embarrassment, it'd swallow me whole.

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