02 | Eyebrows?

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Matsukawa rubbed the sleep from his eyes and groaned. He lifted his head and discovered that he had passed out on the couch the night before. He pushed his textbook off his chest which landed on the ground with a bang.

A startled Oikawa jolted awake from below, and Matsukawa saw that his roommate had also passed out, but on the floor for some reason. He was surrounded by blankets and was previously using his textbook as a pillow.

"Oi. Oikawa. Get up." Matsukawa groaned, arching his back to stretch.

"Matsun. I need you to do something very important for me. Shut the fuck up." Oikawa grumbled, rubbing his face. Where he had pressed his face against the textbook there was a red line across his face. "Your voice is like a five-year old at a birthday party, and my ears are the piñata."

"What time did you study until?" Matsukawa asked, "I think I fell asleep around three, but-"

He was interrupted by Oikawa launching an opened, half-full can of Redbull across the living room. They both paused mid-stretch. The two watched for a moment as the sticky yellow liquid fizzed on the floor before both groaning and getting up.

• • • • •

As much as Matsukawa tried to remain the "large but silent type," Oikawa sure liked to test his patience. The two had woken up at noon, and decided to go out and get lunch. Matsukawa had forgotten the fact, however, that Oikawa took literal hours to get ready and refused to go anywhere without getting "spruced up." It was around three o'clock in the afternoon when Oikawa finally sauntered out of the bathroom and announced they were going to walk to the cafe on campus.

"It took you that long to get ready?" Matsukawa scoffed, "You look the exact same as when you woke up."

Oikawa recoiled. "No I do not!" He ran back into the bathroom and shut the door.


Somehow, the two finally managed to get themselves to the cafe by three-thirty.

Matsukawa was content with just ordering his food and eating it, but Oikawa had to chat with every person he saw. He even tried to drag him into every goddamn conversation. Even worse, he tried to find Matsukawa a date.

"This is my friend Matsukawa," Oikawa said to an attractive girl with short red hair, "and he's single!" He winked at the her, and she giggled.

"And this is where I take my leave." Matsukawa said, standing up from his seat and walking away with his coffee and lunch in hand.

"Be polite! Don't just ditch us!"

"It's hard to be polite with burger in my mouth." Matsukawa put up his middle finger, which in retrospect would have been a badass exit if he didn't get run into by some other guy and knocked to the ground a second later.

Papers and coffee flew, the former landing safely on the floor beside Matsukawa and the latter soaking his t-shirt and ruining whatever dignity he had left.

Matsukawa looked up with distaste. He locked eyes with the offender. Dark eyes with deep bags underneath met his, and for a moment, Matsukawa lost his breath. The other man was tall, but the most noticeable thing about him was his hair. It was dyed pink. And it looked great, in Matsukawa's opinion.

"Hey," Matsukawa said, grabbing the papers the stranger dropped, "you dropped these." He held them out for him to grab, but instead the stranger grabbed Matsukawa by the forearm instead and yanked him up from the ground.

"Sorry Eyebrows, that was on me. I wasn't watching where I was going." The stranger grabbed the papers Matsukawa was still offering and tucked them under his arm.

"Actually, it's on me." Matsukawa gestured to the coffee all over his shirt. The stranger's eyes lingered on his collarbone before meeting his, and just then, Matsukawa swore the other smirked.

Their eye contact was broken by the sound of Oikawa wheezing. "Oh my God, Matsun, you're a mess!" He choked out, bending over while grabbing his sides.

The stranger grinned. "Matsun, eh? Well, sorry to bump into you and ruin your nice shirt." He held out his hand. "I'm Takahiro Hanamaki. But just Maki is fine."

Matsukawa shook his hand. "Issei Matsukawa. But just Matsun is fine."

"Nice. Well, see you around, Matsun. I'm in a little bit of a hurry, hence why I wasn't watching where I was going." Hanamaki said. And with a wink, he turned and walked out of the cafe.

Matsukawa just stood there. He could feel the coffee drip off of his shirt. "Damn." He whispered, his lips curling into a smile.

Was this that stupid thing called love at first sight? Sure felt like it. Maybe those dumb romance movies that he and Oikawa sometimes binged were right.

His name is Takahiro Hanamaki. No, just Maki.

"Matsun, you're an idiot." Oikawa, now done laughing, said with a sly look upon his face. "Let's go back home and get you a different shirt."

Matsukawa sighed. "I know Oikawa." He looked down at his now-empty coffee cup and ruined lunch on the floor.

I know.

• • • • •

My dudes, I am editing this absolutely buzzed out of my mind. God I hope there are no grammar mistakes.
Love ya guys <3

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