03 | Young Love

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It was a beautiful Saturday morning. The sun was beginning to rise, the wind was settling, and it was perfectly quiet outside, not a sound to be heard.

Scratch that, it was seven in the goddamn morning and Matsukawa wanted to know why the hell he wasn't sleeping in on a Saturday.

"Oi Oikawa," Matsukawa said, taking his freshly-warmed Chinese takeout out of the microwave, "tell me why I'm not sleeping in on a Saturday."

"It's cause you agreed to go shopping today!" Oikawa said, using a bit too much oomph for how early it was in the morning. Well okay, it wasn't that early but morning people suck and it's better to be mean to them than feel jealous.

"Okay, but I still fail to see what that has to do with, you know, shopping."

"That bakery that sells the milk bread I really like is only open in the mornings!" Oikawa pouted. "Besides, I need breakfast and am not going out until I get some."

Matsukawa set his plate of food in front of Oikawa. "What? What's wrong with Chinese food? It tastes better heated up as leftovers for breakfast, and that's a fact."

"I see your point, I really do. But those leftovers are two weeks old. They're starting to look like an alien from those really old science fiction movies."

Matsukawa shrugged. "If you scrape the mold off the rest tastes fine."

Oikawa put a hand over his mouth as his eyes widened in horror. "Please, for the love of God, go get some real food. I don't even care about the milk bread anymore. Just go get something that won't kill your body."

Matsukawa rolled his eyes. "Fine. Whatever."

• • • • •

Matsukawa kicked open the door to the apartment, arms filled with grocery bags. Reusable grocery bags of course, cause he wasn't a fucking animal.

"I'm back." He called, kicking his shoes off and dropping the bags on the floor of the kitchen. He saw movement in the corner of his eye and was caught off guard when he turned to get a better look.

Laying on the couch was Oikawa, overtop a shorter but more muscled man. The man attempted to raise a hand in greeting, but was quickly subdued by Oikawa grabbing his face and proceeding to make out with it.

Matsukawa sighed and put his head in his hands. "Lord have mercy, I should have said no when you asked me to be your roommate. Jesus Christ, Oikawa."

Oikawa paused for a second to glare at Matsukawa like he was the one in the wrong. "Not my fault, I haven't seen Iwa-chan in like, three days! I can't help it!"

"You make it sound like it's my fault, Jerkawa." Iwaizumi growled.

Oikawa rolled his eyes. "Quit blending your insults together when you can't think of other ones with your tiny mind."

"Bastard!" Iwaizumi pushed Oikawa off of him and he rolled to the ground with a yelp. Iwaizumi stepped over him and walked into the kitchen, where he picked up a grocery bag. "Let me help you with that, Matsun. Nice to see you."

Matsukawa winked. "No, it's nice to see you, Iwaizumi. Has anyone ever told you you're a sight for sore eyes?" He eyed the other man's neck and smirked. "Although the hickeys? Not so much."

Iwaizumi's eyes widened and Matsukawa watched in delight as he blushed furiously.

"Oikawa! I told you that if you're going go leave hickeys, do it discreetly!" He shouted. Oikawa just giggled from the floor in response.

He giggled. Actually giggled. Matsukawa had never heard him do that before.

Young love. Ugh.

Matsukawa tuned their bickering out, and his thoughts wandered to Maki, because of course they did. He felt his eyebrows furrow in annoyance. How cliche can you get? Whatever, Matsukawa could criticize himself and his feelings all he wanted, the point still stood that he was completely and utterly obsessed with Maki.

Matsukawa eyed the two men, now on the kitchen floor. Iwaizumi had somehow pinned Oikawa down and Oikawa was trying his best to wiggle away.

"Stupid Iwa-chan!" Oikawa screeched. Iwaizumi kissed him on the nose, which shut him up.

Was he was really jealous of them?

"Alright, cut the PDA," Matsukawa interrupted before the couple could take it further, "I need to get the hell out of here before I lose my goddamn mind at how disgustingly cute you two are."

Oikawa's face lit up. Not a good sign. "There's a party tonight at Bokuto's, you should go! It's been ages since you last went to a party. You should go and have some fun!"

Matsukawa weighed his options. He could go to a party and get shit-faced and have a horrible hangover the next morning, or stay home, drink alone, and try to drown out the sounds of Oikawa and Iwaizumi's love-making in the room next to his. Obviously, one of these options outweighed the other in shittyness.

"What the hell, I'll go. I've got nothing better to do."

Oikawa smirked. "Damn right you don't. We're you're only friends, Matsun."

Iwaizumi put his arms and legs up, putting all his weight on Oikawa's chest and pressing him into the floor. "Shut up." He growled.

Matsukawa rolled his eyes. "I'm going to my room to get ready. Make yourselves useful and put the groceries away, will you?" He walked to his room.

The two got up from the floor, Oikawa groaning and rubbing his back.

"Will do."

Before he shut the door, Matsukawa stood in the doorway. "Don't forget, the condoms are in the bathroom in the cabinet. We don't want you two getting pregnant, now." He paused for a moment. "Also don't fuck until I'm out of the apartment, please."

Iwaizumi put his head in his hands and groaned.

• • • • •

Use reusable grocery bags. They are epic.
Thanks for reading.

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