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Chapter 1

I glared at the coffee machine and wished for the God of Machines to make it work faster and save me from having been discovered by my annoying coworker, Susan. I was in a bad mood because of mother nature's monthly visit and hoped the day would be over soon without me getting angry. I had somehow managed to avoid Susan's unnecessary gossips all day, but it seemed my luck had finally run out as I saw the dyed blonde-haired airhead sashaying towards me.

"There you are!" Susan shouts with that titanium-piercing voice of hers and fake smiles at me, "I need a favor, Althea."

I mentally groaned. This girl was getting on my nerves, for the last three months that I had been working in this cafe, all I ever saw her doing was making puppy faces at others and coercing them into doing her work.

"Mr. Rude and Rich wants coffee," Susan states sadly.

"Then what are you doing here?" I ask, bored of the conversation already, "Go do your job."

"But you know I can't Althea!" She pouts," He is so rude and-- and-- he even made me cry the last time!"

I roll my eyes, I had heard about that, apparently, Susan-the-airhead thought she could make a man behave better by giving him a free blowjob, "Then don't cry this time and go give him the coffee." I turn around to face the counter and begin arranging my table orders on the tray.

"Please... please... pretty please!" Susan kept begged annoyingly, "I know you love me, so--"

"Do you ever stop talking?!" I turn around and almost growl at her," Has anyone ever done a favor to you by telling you how much torture your voice is for human ears?" Susan's face turned a tomato shade of red, "No? Well, let me go ahead and say it, that you need a voice-altering therapy ASAP if it fucking exists." I pick up the cup of coffee for Susan's table and place it carefully on my tray and leave the kitchen giving one last glare to my now teary-eyed coworker.

Making my way through the tables packed with chatting customers, I arrive at my table and place out the orders to the customers and then continue onward to Susan's table.

For the last three months, I had been observing this Mr. Rude and Rich, keeping my distance. He had a magical way with words that had terrified five of our waitresses and made them quit out of fear from having to serve him. His attitude was even worse, he acted like he owned everybody and as if he was above all of us, some different enhanced species of homo-sapiens. The only good thing I could notice in that man was his face, his silky jet black hair alongside his storm-grey eyes, square-shaped jaw, and straight nose that sat above beautiful lips completed the rich and ruthless look. Half of the workers here lived in awe of him while the other half was somehow in love.

As I neared the table of the said man in his styled Armani suit with a stony expression, I hoped that he would simply take his coffee without a fuss. I placed his coffee in the middle of the table, avoiding looking at his face, and quickly turned around to leave.

"Late." His gruff voice made me stop in my track and turn around to meet his storm-grey eyes and an annoyed expression on his handsome face.

With my brows pinched, I tried to figure out whatever it was that he needed.

"You are late. I like my coffee to be delivered to me after five minutes of me giving the order. I don't accept it if it's late."

"Fine, then feel free to leave." the words were out of my mouth before I could think. His expression turned furious and his grey eyes gleamed with controlled rage as he leaned closer. "What did you just say to me?"He asked daring me to repeat.

Ignoring the small, terrified part of me that asked me to keep my mouth shut, I stepped closer to him, "I asked you to leave, "I repeated slowly, so he would understand my words better this time. "Or simply drink that coffee you ordered like a normal person instead of acting around like a five-year-old."

For a few seconds, he sat absolutely still and I watched as his expression transformed from annoyed to angered. "Do you know who I am?" He finally asked, his jaw clenched.

"Sure, you are Mr. Rude and Rich and that's all can make myself care to know about you," I tell him with a hand on my hip, "And now sayonara, I have to work." Flipping my platinum blonde ponytail, I turned and high-tailed it out of there without giving him a chance to respond.

Feeling proud of myself by standing up to A-holes like him, I entered the kitchen to meet with the furious face of my only friend in the cafe. "What the hell did you just do, Althea?!" Liana asks me, her face looking terrified for some reason.

I smiled brightly, "Told that Man-child about the things he seriously needed to hear." I say.

Liana's face pales, "You stupid girl! Do you know who he is?!"

I make a face at her, "I don't care about who he is Liana and neither should you. Let's get going, my shift is over and I'm tired." I move towards the locker area and start changing into my regular clothes.

"He is Ryan Storm."I hear Liana say and I freeze.

 Turning around slowly, I face her, "Wait, do you mean, THE Ryan Storm??!" 

Liana simply nods, looking concerned, "I really can't believe you didn't know his face".

My brain taunted me, That's why I tell you to think before you start speaking, stupid human.

I remembered all the gossips that revolved around Mr. Rude and Rich also known as Ryan Storm, who is currently the richest, powerful and ruthless man of New York, and is always in the headlines for destroying anyone and anything in his way.

Fother mucker.

🖤 When They Crash (Lies, Lust and Billionaire Book1)🖤Where stories live. Discover now