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Chapter 2

Biting the inside of my mouth, I tried focusing on the television screen where Tom's head was being smashed inside a piano by Jerry. My phone which was kept on the coffee table started vibrating with Katy Perry's Roar and I jumped up from my couch to grab it.

James, the caller ID flashed.

"Finally, "I say as I pick up," Give me some good news please." I move around my flat and close all the binds.

"We got lucky, Althea." James says and pauses for a dramatic effect," This is the closest lead that we've ever had." I happily skip towards my bedroom and bounce back onto my bed," I received information from one of my highly trusted sources that someone from your cafe has recently become involved in the drug dealing business with Mr. Reynolds lackeys." he says.

"What do you need me to do James?" I ask chewing the insides of my mouth.

"Just obtain the list of the workers and the regular customers at your cafe," I trace imaginary shapes with my index finger in the air as he continues," I need it by tomorrow afternoon." He says.

" Okay, I'll find a way." I breathe out as my mind starts churning up various scenarios.

"Stay safe darling," James says after a few seconds. I smile sadly in the dark bedroom, " Good night James." I whisper and hang up. Getting up from my bed, I moved towards my bedroom window through which I could witness the beautiful night sky.

It'll be easy.

It was the last thought as I slipped into the covers, finished with one kick-ass plan.


I wiped my palms that were drenched with sweat on my jean and stole a glance at the dyed-blonde sitting beside me from the corner of my eye. Susan played with the ends of her curled hair as she tried not to appear flustered, but her constant foot tapping and the little sweat lined on her brow said otherwise. No one dared to utter a word as we were already too deep thinking about the reason that the manager demanded our presence first thing in the morning in his office.

I had made sure to arrive before everyone else today so that I could easily snoop around the reception desk. Getting the names of our regular customers had been easy but then Susan appeared out of nowhere. I thanked the gods that she had been too busy clicking on her phone screen to see me shuffling around the reception drawer.

But then the text from our manager appeared- Please be there in my office in five. I looked up to see Susan already making her way towards the manager's office.

No! I cannot get fired!  I thought suddenly as my previous day's interaction with Mr. Rude and Rich flashed through my mind. I needed that list and I was willing to do anything to get it. I could not waste this opportunity that had finally landed in my lap after three years of having to keep moving constantly from city to city.

I will not let one egoistic person take this away from me! I needed to grab that Armani collar and give on the good right hook to that bastard's face the next time I saw him. But before I could continue ahead with my imagination, the door opened and our manager stepped in. The five feet tall Asian man with graying hair gave us a happy smile as he saw us.

"Sorry for making you wait girls," John says as he comes around and takes his seat behind the table and smiles once again," Althea dear, I have been told to switch your tables with Miss Susan." He says and his eyes flick to ours to make sure we understand him.

"Have been told?" My voice sounds strange and rough as I ask him.

He nodded, his eyes creased with laugh lines," Before leaving yesterday, Mr. Storm called me up to tell me that he wanted you to be his waitress because he liked your speed," His happy eyes meet my horrified ones as he continues praising me for my work, oblivious to the waves of horror rolling off me.

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