heartbroken(part 5)

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"21:25 noooo dads gonna kill me im so late"Said Natsuki whal falling on her kneez with the left hand on her forhead.
When Natsuki comes home.

"Natsuki why are you late dont tell me you were hanging out with boys"Natsukis dad said whal somoking a cigeret."No dad i whas hanging out with a girl"Natsuki said whal finding her cazual clothes.

"Oh great your lesbian"Natsukis dad said turing his hands into fists and puting them on his hips."What no baka!"Natsuki yelled at her dad.

"Ugh thats it im smacking you with this empty beer botle and i dont care if you get hurt!"Natsukis dad lifted a empty beer botle and smacked natsuki with it."If you ever be late again im pushing you down the stairs."

Natsuki realized that she didnt need cazual clothes she needed pajamas
So she went in a shower to clean her body. When she looked in the wiror and saw a cut on her cheek couse of the beer botle being sharp.

"Oh no how will i ecsplain this to Monika she cant know i have an abusive dad."Natsuki said to herself.
Natsuki started to go under bed and crying.

"Why cant mom be alive? Why cant i be adopted? Why am i thinking about Yuri now? Is it posible that i like her? If i would like her i would be too shy to confess. Maybe i really do love her. My love life is worthless."
Natsuki ceeped blaming herself for having a horible life. She thinks that at first she has to tell Monika or Sayori she likes Yuri or maybe not.

warm with you(a natsuki x yuri story)Where stories live. Discover now