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5 ✽ A Proposed Challenge

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Eun-bi gagged at the minister's suggestion, obviously horrified about it. She wasn't keen on the idea of being a part of the Selection of the Crown Princess, much less having to dress up like a clown and constantly making sure that her gait was as graceful as a swan.

"You're jesting, aren't you?"

"Oh no, little lady. In fact, I'm very genuine about this."

She put up a hand and backed away on instinct. "Oh no, please don't do that. I'm actually content with the way my life is right now."

"Why?" he questioned with a puzzled frown. "Do you not wish to get married?"

Shaking her head, Eun-bi merely laughed. He wasn't the only one who asked her that question and her answer had always received an odd look in return. "Marriage is not my priority. I wouldn't mind being single for the rest of my life. If possible, I would like to live on an island and ride my horse every day until the sun sets."

The minister studied her with a look of awe on his face. "You do not desire much, do you?"

"No," she answered truthfully. "Simplicity is all I asked for." Her eyes dropped the object that he was wearing and her eyes widened in surprise. "Pardon my curiosity, but I've been wondering what is that you are wearing?"

He glanced down at what she was pointing to. "Oh, this? You've sharp eyes, little lady. It's a jade charm, custom-made by the finest jewellery designer in the capital."

"Are you saying it's one of a kind?"


"Unbelievable, but–" she gasped in disbelief. "–I found an identical one recently but I didn't get the chance to return it to its owner."

Her revelation seemed to spur his interest. "Oh? How did he look?"

She tapped her fingers against her chin as she recalled how the mysterious stranger looked. "He looks pretty young...but quite possibly the weirdest, rudest and most stone-faced boy I have ever met. It's a waste of his looks, I say."

The minister blinked his eyes at her several times in disbelief but seeing how dead serious she was, he gradually accepted that she wasn't lying. When she hadn't expected it, he burst into laughter and held his stomach.

"Are you...are you insulting my son in front of me?"

A bewildered look crossed her face and she thought she had heard him wrongly. "Wait – what? Are you certain that he's your son, or did you adopt him?"

Eun-bi slapped a hand over her mouth, realising that those blunt words left her mouth before she even knew it. "I–I apologise," she continued, feeling ashamed. "What I'm trying to say is that your personality is vastly different from your son's, that it baffles me."

Just when she thought the minister would be offended, he chuckled once more. "It's alright, I know what he's like. And yes, he's my flesh and blood. I tried to encourage him to break out of his shell countless times, but I'm afraid my attempts aren't working."

She watched as his laughing face eventually settled into a serious, thoughtful look. With the way he was studying her intently as if he was trying to figure out who she really was, she was really starting to get a bad feeling at the pit of her stomach.

He shook his head. "This may sound crazy but are you up for a challenge? If you make him laugh, angry or cry – even a slightest change in expression, I'll bestow you with one of my islands. How does that sound?"

Eun-bi tilted her head at him with a deep frown. She couldn't figure out if he had completely meant what he said. Which insane man was willing to give away his wealth like that for someone he just met? And was he really rich in the first place?

She snorted out loud.

"First, you're a minister and now you're a con man? Can you decide which one you really want to be?"

The minister chuckled at how she scowled at him. "I mean my words but I don't blame you for doubting me. I definitely do come across as a weird, old man. How about this –  tell me how I should prove myself to you so that you will believe me?" he asked.

She crossed her arms and licked her lips as she tried her best to come up with a difficult task. Was he really that wealthy?

"Donate a hundred sacks of rice to the poor villages," she simply said.

Instead of getting flustered over her demand, his face simply broke into a smile, as if this was an easy feat for him.

"It's a deal. Keep your ears open tomorrow for the news."

Eun-bi couldn't hide the look of surprise on her face. One shouldn't simply underestimate an old man, huh?

The minister was being so compliant and generous that she felt like she was falling into his game and becoming his spawn. To Eun-bi, winning at games was her forte. If she didn't accept this challenge, she would feel like a loser. But if she did accept and he kept his promise to her, was she going to lose anything?


Eun-bi watched him cautiously through her lashes. "If I'm willing to do it, how will you know if I succeed or fail? I can easily lie without you knowing about it."

Her response had him grinning widely. "Don't you worry about that. I have eyes and ears everywhere so it wouldn't be hard for me to be informed about things." He paused slightly, taking a quick glance up at the moon hanging in the midnight sky. "I'm extremely sorry to cut this meeting short but it's time for me to get going, little lady. Are you certain you'll get home safely on your own?"

"Yes," she reassured him. "I'll be fine."

"Good. I hope you will consider the challenge carefully."

The minister gave her a final nod and was about to leave when she stopped him in his tracks. Slipping her hand into her sleeve, she pulled out the expensive jade charm to show him.

"But sir? What about this? Shouldn't I return it to you so that your son can have it back?"

Instead, he shook his head and she noticed how mischief twinkled his eyes. "Keep it and use it well," he advised her as he slowly walked away. "He will come to you if the jade charm is in your possession. You have until then to make your decision."

And then she watched him leave with his bodyguard trailing behind him. His parting words ricocheted through her mind as she deliberated about it.

True to his words, his son came searching for her the very next day.


A/N: And the fun begins. 😋

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