Sins not Tragedies

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I feel the wheels  going on this story  so I am going to hit you with another update . This chapter as you can see is based on I write sins not tragedies so feel free to jam out to it as you read the chapter . 

Ally P.O.V. 

I finish  up wiping down the tables and exit the classroom to lock up the front desk . I look up to see Mel and Diana standing in the doorway .  " Give me 5 mins I am almost done locking up . " I say. I grab my things and wait for them to exit before locking the door behind me . We all get in Mel's car and go get something to eat. I need music  so I asked Diana to turn the radio on and good life by one republic comes on and I  smile my signature sinister grin .  They sit patiently as I sing through the whole song . We pull in the parking lot of the nearest chilis and proceed to enter the restaurant . 

I give the waitress our name and my glance freezes when I see something . Mr Mc Moody was there with his brother and sis . I prayed he didn't see me and touched down on the couch besides my roommates . They look at me with  a questioning look and I jerk my head in Tony's direction . They  nod and just when I thought I was in the clear when Mel stood up to talk to Ondreaz . 

I faced palmed myself .Can she spare her crush for a day for my sake? I guess not . I hesitantly go up with Diana to say hi .I greet Ondreaz and Lily warmly and when my eyes met Tony's my smile dropped . " Lopez " I say placidly ." You didn't tell me you brought your pet alien with you " He asks Mel completely ignoring me . " Dick " I mutter getting ready to leave ."Wait Ally I apologize for my brother's 2 year oldness . I really hope to see you at Brian's party this coming Saturday ." Ondreaz asks when he grabs my hand to stop me from leaving .   I shake my head " Parties are not my thing but I promise Mel and Diana will be there." I say with a small smile 

" What will she do there anyway . Recite book facts ? " Tony says . " Yeah tell me any 10 facts about the Mughul empire and I will accept my defeat " I snap back at him . He doesn't say anything and I just leave from there to go back to the waiting are. The waitress tells me our table isr ready and I go and wait at it for Mel and Diana . They come back and I look up with such an annoyed expression . 

" Is it possible for me to learn Kung Fu and kick his ass ? I swear I think  my Saturday will be a nice night out with you guys then I have to have  Tony size cloud over my head ." I grumble . They look at each other before Mel says" Let it go tell me anything fun happened at work".  " Nah same old same old " I smile like a Cheshire cat before asking her about the party . " Did you run into Ondreaz today ?" She nods  turning red like a tomato . " Tell her  all the details " Diana urges sipping on her Diet coke .

" Well Diana  and I were just taking a walk in the park and bumped into Ondrez in the park with Lily. Diana took her to the play structure leaving us alone to talk and in the middle of the conversation he asks me to go to the party . I initially said no thinking of you but then I thought I could convince  you so I said yes I will come and we can hangout there . " I sigh " I will go for you . It will also be fun to  push Tony's buttons and kill his vibe by telling all the girls there before they drunk not to sleep with him . " I joke making them both laugh . We  steered the conversation to various random topics as we waited for the food  . When the orders came we basically devoured it whole . After paying the bill , and tipping the waitress we get up to leave . 

As I pass by their table, I catch Tony's eyes  and we just stare at each other before I make my way to the front. Idk what just happened . I proceeded to shake the thoughts off my mind and  exited the restaurant .  On the way back we took turns with the Aux and put some music on the  way home.   I being a dedicated Panic fan put on I write sins not tragedies.

Once we reach our apartment  the girls go to sleep and I stay up a little more longer.   As I finished my remaining homework,  I found myself thinking about today's events .Why am I thinking about him ? I hate him and everything he does . He is so ungrateful and his brother does so much for him and  he doesn't do much as to acknowledge it . He has to be the boss all the time  I stand up  stretching  and go outside to the backyard  to look at the stars . Part of why I love the night ,is the way you can look up at the stars and admire their beauty .  I may not know what is in store for me at the party but what I do know is I am going to have fun missing around with my rival .  

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