Chapter 9: ice skating

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" come on mewtwo . you promised!"ash said

" i don't know ash..." mewtwo said looking at that water tahtw as now a solid.....

ash rolled his eyes and grabbed mewtwo's hand...and pulled him into the rink.....

he then began to spin causing mewtwo to spin with him....making mewtwo blush..

"'s fun!" ash said as they spun aroun the frozen pound as the pokemon clones watched and clapped for them.....

pikachu2.....and mew soon were ice skating on the pon well as some of the other clones.... ash giigled as mewtwo blushed even harder...ash leaned up....and

My evil Physic God ( ash x mewtwo) ( mewtwox ash) ( Firstshipping)Where stories live. Discover now