•ralph's birthday•

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"Are you ready?" My dad asked from downstairs.

"Yeah, yeah, just putting my shoes on." I was wearing my pair of black converse, jean shorts and a black sweatshirt on top. Basic, I know but I felt confortable in that. I also put some makeup on because I looked dead.

I run downstairs and hopped in the car. My father was taking me to his coworker's birthday party or something like that. And he thought it was a good idea to take me because, and I quote, "there will be kids around your age." My father knows I'm shy and my social anxiety does not allow me to talk to other teenagers easily. But, unfortunately, I had no choice.

When we arrived at the birthday party, I couldn't stop staring at the house. It was huge. But my dad waved his hand in front of me and made his way to the front door. I run after him. "This house is really nice. I wish my house could be this big when I grow up." I told him. He just laughed and rang the bell.

"Hey Victor, how are you? Please, come in." A woman with chestnut hair opened the door and I guessed she was the wife. "Who is this pretty young lady here?" She was nice.

" This is my daughter, Y/N." I just smiled and waved my hand. She said it was nice meeting me and guided us to the dining room. There were a lot of people there. My dad started waving at everyone, saying hi and he approached a tall man. "Happy birthday, Ralph." He told him while they were hugging. "This is my daughter, Y/N. And Y/N, this is Ralph." My dad introduced us.

"Nice to meet you and happy birthday." I just thought I should say something.

"Thank you darling. Well, feel like home. There is food in the table and the drinks are back there." He said pointing to another table. And right after that my father left to talk to his friends. 'What a bitch! He drags me in here and leaves me all alone.'

I decided I should go and sit somewhere instead of standing there all alone looking stupid. And I saw a few chairs outside in what looked like a balcony. The window-door was open so I guessed I could go there. But right after a step out there I noticed there was a guy and a girl. Both blonde and way too perfect to even be real. They both turned to look at me and I freaked out. "I-I'm sorry. I just thought there was no one here. I'll just go back inside." I turned around to leave but stopped when I heard the girl talking to me.

"Hey, it's alright, you can stay. I'm Coco and this is Ruel." For fuck's sake, he was so hot. But, I realised I had been staring at them for too long and introduced myself.

"I'm Y/N." They both smiled at me and I just turned around and sat on the chair behind me, next to Ruel. But, I just stayed quiet , I can't start up a conversation just like that. They kept talking, while I admired the view, until Coco said she was going to get something to eat. I got extremely nervous because now I was alone with Ruel and I assumed there would be a very awkward silence.

"Soo, Y/N, how old are you?" He asked right after Coco left.

"I-I'm 16. And you?" I couldn't stop stuttering.

"I'm 17." I just nodded and again silence. I was thinking about something I could say or ask but Ruel won, he asked me first. "What school do you go to?"

"Long Pine School. You?"

"Nah, I'm homeschooled. By the way, that is a really good school. I have some friends there."

"That's cool. I don't" I answered chuckling, I didn't want him to feel sorry for me, but it was the truth and I can't lie.
"Oh, why not?" He asked but I supposed he regretted right after. "It's okay. You don't have to answer that. It's a stupid question." But it was the first time I was having a regular conversation with someone my age feeling so comfortable, I just wanted the conversation to continue.

"It's alright, I guess I'm way too shy and most of my classmates dislike me because I got a scholarship, so I'm intelligent not rich. I don't fit in." We were staring at each other, smiling, when I finished talking and god his eyes were so gorgeous. I already knew a crush for this guy was developing inside of me. He was sweet and cute. He wasn't arrogant and didn't treat me like shit.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, I believe you are way to smart for them. They don't deserve to get to know you." He told me while we were still looking into each other's eyes. I was about to thank him and tell him that maybe he was right, but Coco came back with a big plate filled with way too much food. Unfortunately, he turned to look at her, I was liking his gaze on me.

"Are you going to eat all that?" He asked laughing.

"No, you idiot. I'm sharing with Y/N." She told him and passed her plate to me. After talking to Ruel, I felt more relaxed and I could talk easier with them.

We chatted for like an hour until my father walked through the door window. "Y/N, thank god, I've been looking for you everywhere."

"Dad, these are Ruel and Coco. And guys this is Victor, my dad." I introduced them.

"Nice to meet you, kids. But we are living. I'll wait for you inside, Y/N." And he went back to the dining room trough the door window.

"Then, I guess I'm leaving. Bye guys." I stood up from my chair and walked to the dining room, I heard Coco say see you. Once I was inside, I looked for my father and when I was about to walk over to him a hand grabbed my wrist. I turned around and standing in front of me was Ruel.

"Hey, I really liked you and I was wondering if i could have your number. I would love to hang out with you." My goood, I was blushing so hard. I was mentally dancing and screaming. Until I noticed I was taking too much time to answer and Ruel was getting nervous.

"Yeah, yeah, sure, I would love to hang out, too." We exchanged numbers and I left Ralph's birthday party with a huge smiled plastered in my face.

1128 words
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