She was nothing

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T: Calvin right now I just want to hurt you. We all do actually.
R:she is like our sister and she loved you. You are all she talked about.
C:so I don't care thats her problem.
N: dude you made the problem.
C: oh well
Ch: wow bro
Th: we love you Calvin but right now you are just pissing us off more and more.
O: you better be happy that Alex stopped when he did.
T: Alex would have gave you more then just a broke nose and some bruises
R: you deserve it though
T: yeah you a real bitch for that
C: ok cool guys y'all act like I care or even if I'm going to care she was just another girlfriend nothing special.
N: you were special to her
C oh well can y'all just leave my room
T: ok fine

They all leave and go to Alex's room. By now your in Alex's room. Patty is holding you.

Y/n: I know he don't care about be does he.
P: it's ok y/n I promise im here for you.
T:yeah we all are.
Th: we understand if you want alone time.
Y/n: please but patty can you stay you make me feel safe.
P:yes I'm not leaving your side.

Y'all go to your room.

P: hey y/n
Y/n:yes Patrick
P: you know I'll always by your side right I always have been always will be.
Y/n: yes Patrick I know that
P: you want to watch a movie to get your mind off him
Y/n: yes pls
P: you want to watch a scary movie
Y/n: yeah sure but I get scared easy
P: it's okay I'm right here
Y/n: ok then let's watch a movie let's watch it 2

You cuddle up to Patrick and watch it 2 you get scared and hug him tight.
He just looks at you and smile.

Y/n: what is it why you smiling
P: sorry you cute when you smile
Y/n: thanks

You fall a sleep on him. And then he fall a sleep.

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