A Novel Approach

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Stiles and Donovan are fighting. Donovan wounded Stiles in the shoulder with his hand-maw, and now Stiles is struggling to reach for the wrench on the Jeep. He manages to headbutt Donovan, knocking him loose. He grabbed the wrench and beats him across the face with it. Stiles runs into the school with Donovan close to his heels, he decides against running up to the second floor and heads back outside again. Donovan turns to look for him and a second maw opens on the sides of his neck. Stiles crosses the campus to the library and has to use his keycard to get in.

The library is under construction. Stiles hides among the stacks. Donovan comes in and finds Stiles's phone on the floor. It's buzzing. "You dropped your phone. It's Malia. Should I text her back?" he asks, and keep the phones into his pocket.

Donovan launches into his villain's monologue. "You don't really know who I am, do you, Stiles?" He asks him if he heard about his father who used to be Sheriff Stilinski's partner. A bullet shattered Donovan's father's T9 vertebra. "You know what that means? It means everything below his waist is useless. And not just his legs." Donovan suggests that the Sheriff told Stiles some of it but he didn't say that he was sitting in the car calling for backup while Donovan's dad went in alone.

Stiles gets angrier as he listens, but he stays quiet. "Did he tell you that he was too scared? Too much of a frightened little bitch to go in after him? Or do scared little bitches not tell their little bitch sons about their failures?" Stiles watches Donovan walk up the stairs to the upper floor, then he waits, listening for footsteps that suddenly stop falling.

Donovan attacks through a bookcase, pulling Stiles back through it. Stiles drops the wrench, and Donovan throws him up against the scaffolding. Stiles elbows Donovan in the face, knocking him down, and then scurries up the scaffold. Donovan grabs hold of him. "Don't worry Stiles, I'm not going to kill you. I'm just going to eat your legs," he says, as his eyes glow white, Stiles sees a pin in the scaffolding above him and struggles until he can reach it. He pulls the pin and pipes and construction materials fall.

When the sound settles, Stiles looks down to see Donovan impaled on a pole. Donovan is still alive, though. Stiles put his hands on the pole as if he's going to pull it out, but Donovan growls at him, and Stiles stops and watches him die. Silver fluid pours out into Donovan's wounds.

From the library phone, Stiles dials 911, but he can't bring himself to say anything. The police will send a unit to investigate a 911 call either way, which is what he wants.

Stiles starts to run away, but when he opens the door, he realizes that the cops will need a way to get in. He uses a book to prop the door, then he hears his phone ring in Donovan's pocket. He carefully picks it from his pocket and then runs. Stiles fixes his Jeep but he doesn't pull out of the parking lot. Instead, he breathes like he's having a panic attack until he hears the approaching sirens. Then he moves the Jeep slightly further away so he can watch.

An officer heads into the library, and Stiles is overwrought with worry and anxiety. It's clear that he has no idea how to feel. He turns on his police scanner. "Dispatch, I'm 1097, and there's no one here. It's 653." "Roger that. Prank call." Stiles can't believe what he's hearing. After the officer leaves, he goes back into the library. Donovan and the drop cloth that was on the floor under him are gone.

It's 5:30 am, and Scott and Kira are asleep in Scott's room. Kira is whispering the same Japanese phrase she shouted when she was going to kill Lucas. Scott wakes up, staring at her, and then gets a message on his phone that he alarm in Animal Clinic has been tripped.

Still upset, Stiles goes to his room and write "Donovan Not Dead" on the case board. He lists walked out as an option. Then he writes Donovan Dead and underlines it, clearly upset with this option. Underneath he fills in, "someone took the body." About to cry, Stiles grabs the eraser and starts to remove the info about Donovan from his board. As he breaks down, he throws the eraser and then notices the pain on his shoulder from where Donovan's hand-maw bit him. His phone rings and he jumps in surprise.

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