Your Dreams

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WBE: 365
WAE: 543


((17th of Rain's Hand, 4E 205))


Odahviing took all three of us about a mile out of Riften after I requested privacy, and I couldn't stop myself from continuously shooting glares at the leader of the Guild. Brynjolf returned my angry looks.

"What's this all about? I have important things to do," Brynjolf commented, aggravated. He seemed less concerned with the fact that he was so near to a dragon than Karliah was. She stayed away as far as she could.

"Drem. Patience," Odahviing growled, shifting to a more comfortable position where he could still face us. "Dovahkiin, mey. A fool."

"Wait, I--" My defense was instantly interrupted.

"Gir. Listen." I kept my mouth shut, heart pounding quickly as my mind raced.

"Before I listen to anything, I want to know why in Oblivion you set my home on fire," I demanded.

"You were not waking. You made a dangerous choice, Dovahkiin."

"So did you," I pointed out crossly. "There were other ways to deal with that. It was no problem. A simple roar could have done the trick without endangering my life." I recalled my interrupted dream with Nocturnal. "I now have more work to do on Honeyside." Not that I'll return too often, my traitorous mind said to me. "All just to wake me?"

"Yes and no," Odahviing replied, seemingly lost in thought. "I found voro... An imbalance in the atmosphere. I followed the trail, and it ended with a direct link to you. I had no choice, Dovahkiin."

"How me?"

"You conversed with a Daedric Prince," he hissed, glaring at Karliah once she moved closer to speak up.

"Nocturnal, I presume?" Karliah cut in, violet eyes wide.

"Well, she came to me," I admitted with a nod. "It was a nice change from the usual nightmares."

"Nightmares?" Brynjolf crossed his arms. "So you weren't joking back in the cistern?"

"No, I wasn't," I snapped. "I've been having them for two years. I've seen you all die countless times, and I've been killed just as many. I relived the days when I was tortured by the Thalmor." He raised his eyebrow, and I realized that I'd never revealed that portion of my past to him. "I was torn apart and eaten away. It's not an enjoyable experience." Was I talking about the nightmares or my experience with the Thalmor? Not even I knew.

"Focus. Morah," the red dragon chastised. "Dovahkiin, what occurred precisely?" I knew it would do no good to lie.

"I... she told me that she'd tell my future," I replied uneasily, glancing around nervously. I could feel this conversation taking a darker turn.

"Nocturnal would never do something for nothing," Karliah commented, her tone beginning to mirror my own darkness.

"What was your bargain, lass?"

"I... I gave her my dreams." Karliah let out a fearful squeak, and Brynjolf made a small choking noise in the back of his throat.

"What have you done?" Odahviing roared viciously, the earth shuddering underneath the force as he slammed his tail down furiously. "You have given your dreams?!"


"Dovahkiin, you have given your will to exist," he snarled. "Idiocy! You are done for, you cannot find your way out of this labyrinth! You have given Nocturnal the very means by which to control you!" My heart dropped into my stomach, and my mind started to fade. Every possibility flashed before my mind, and I found myself unable to stand.

"Catch me," I said faintly, collapsing to the stones below.

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