Chapter 6

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Shortly after Tin-tin and Fermat were taken, Lady P arrived at the island. I didn't get a chance to meet up with her before she went up to the house. So i couldn't warn her of what was waiting. Instead I crept through the bushes towards the house to see if I could find her.

As i got closer to the house I heard Mullion say
"You've broken my nose" I peered through the bushes to see Mullion holding his bloody nose. Parker then said
"Yes, that was very much the intention of the manoeuvre" Transom ran towards lady P who spun out of the way, forcing Transom to the floor. LAdy P then said
"One tries so hard in life to sort things out on an intellectual.." Transom got up and attempted to kick her but Lady P blocked it and contined.
"slash conversational level, but sometimes it's just not possible"She trips Transom up. She then flips over and brings her leg down onto Transoms ribs. She flips backwards, hitting Transom in the face with her foot before continuing to flip over.

The Hood began walking down the stairs, not taking his eyes off the fight. Mullion  and Parker are now fighting by the kitchen counter. Mullion grabs Parkers and throws him over the counter. Parker whacked his head against the desk as he fell. Mullion then turned around to Lady P who kicked him in the face three times until he fell down. Lady P then went over to parker, He then said in a dazed state
"Shall I bring the car around, m'lady?"
"Parker, have a bit of a lie-down" Mullion then got back up to his feet. I went to jump into the fight but stopped when Parker got up and said
"Excuse me, m'lady" Lady P got out of the way just in time for Parker to Punch Mullion square in the face. He then picked up a small frying pan before putting it down and picking up the larger one next to it and whacked Mullion with it. Mullion grabbed him by the collar and pulled him over the counter. Transom then attempted to whack Lady P with a pole. She avoided it and kicked her stomach, pushing Transom onto the sofa. Lady P flipped up onto the back of the sofa as Transom rolled off of it.

The Hood then began clapping as he said
" Lady Penelope. Of course, he has his palace, why not his princess?" Lady P replied
"Flattery will get you nowhere" Transom picked up the pole again and started swinging it at Lady P. Lady P jumped over it and landed back on the sofa flausly. Lady P then takes the pole from Transom but stopped to check her nails, she then said
" Have you any idea what a manicure costs these days?"

She kicks Transom, who falls over, smashing into something breakable by the sound of it. Parker and Mullion continued to avoid each other's punches. Lady P flipped off the sofa and picked up the pole. Lady P flips the pole around before poking Trasnom in the stomach with it.
"Coming through, m'lady." Parker Pushed Mullion into the table before punching him. LAdy P then kicks Transom in the face and she falls onto the sofa and tips it as she does.

The Hood then walked around so his back was to me and looked at the sofa. The sofa then lifted up off the ground. Parker yelled
" Duck, m'lady!" They ducked down just as the sofa flew across the room and into the glass panel, shattering it.  The Hood ten bent over in exhaustion and i muttered
"He's weak. Using his power makes him weak." He then looked in my direction, but i don't think he saw me. He then looked back as Mullion charged at Parker, pushing him into the small pool. Transom ran at Lady P who moved out of the way, causing Transom to stop precariously at the edge of the house. The hood then said
" You're a formidable opponent, Lady Penelope. More than a match for most men."  Lady P replied
"That's not saying much then, is it." She then proceeded to kick Transom into the pool; she screamed and fell in with an almighty splash.

PArker then went to punch The Hood who stopped him using his power. Lady P then flipped over onto the lower ledge by the pool. The Hood then said
"I suggest you let us pass"
"Don't try your parlour games on me, you sad, little man. You committed a serious crime trespassing on this island and in about..." Parker held up his watch as she continued
"Four seconds, I'm going to get quite cross with you." She then went to kick him, but he stopped her by using his power. She held onto Parker's shoulder as he forced her to lower her leg.

The hood then said
"How are you Jaxson?" I ducked more into the bushes as LAdy P and PArker grabbed their heads in pain
"I hope you don't think I'm going to chase you....You can make it stop JAxson". He increased his power again before saying
" You have something that belongs to me" He held out his hand just as Parker looked at me and said
" Really, Miss, don't mind me. This isn't the first time my head's been pulverised and it's never done any real harm before." they yelled out more.

I couldn't take seeing them in pain, so i jumped out of the bushes saying
"Stop, stop, I'll give it to you!" I took the Guidance Processo from my pocket and threw it towards the pool saying
"Fetch!" However it didn't reach the pool as the hood brought it back to him using his powers, he then said
"Good Girl...You made a match of it Jaxson, I'll give you that. Put them with the others" Mullion then grabbed my shoulder and pushed me towards the others.
"You're coming with me" Transom led Parker away and as we passed her Mullion picked up lady P and put her over his shoulder
"Put me down, this outfit is couture"

We were taken through the house towards the fridge. On the way to the fridge, Mullion tied our hands behind our backs and tied Parker's feet together. I was pushed into the fridge first, closely followed by Lady P and PArker. After pushing LAdy P in Mullion said
"You need to cool off Lady." I then heard Tin-tin voice "Lady Penelope! Jaxson!" I looked over and saw he sat with her parents. The door then slammed shut. Lady P then said
" Right, that's quite enough losing for one day." I looked at Fermat and said
" So... how does it feel to be right all the time?"
"Not... b-bad... actually."
" I'm so sorry, Fermat."
"Forget it. J-just get us out of he-here" I turned to Brains and said
"Brains, how long does my family have?
"I... can't think. I'm too c-c-c-c....old."
"Better get a move on then" I walked over to the centre of the fridge and said
"Brains move to the left please" He did, so the back wall was now clear.

"Thunderbird 2 preparing for take-off"

After the computer said that Tin-tin said
"Jax, whatever you're going to do, do it now The Hood's getting away"
"Here we go" I ran towards the wall, jumped, pushed off it and did a tight tuck backwards flip slipping my hands under my feet as I did. I landed in a crouching position with my hands in front of me. As i stood up, Lady P said
"That's showing off"
"What can I say, I'm a Tracy" she just smiled. I then twisted my wrists in front of me, before pulling them towards my body, fast. The rope snapped and fell to the floor. I then went onto unting everyone else.

After I untied Tin-tins ropes, she turned around and punched my arm.
"OW" she then said
"That's for being a jerk.." she then kissed my cheek and said
"That's for everything else"
"Right, okay..." I turned around to face lady P, who had a huge smile on her face. I cleared my throat and said
"PArker, can you do anything about the door"
He and LAdy P went over to the door and moments later he said
"This appears to be a straightforward six lever mortice, m'lady"
" I love it when your checkered past comes in handy, Parker."
"Thank you m'lady. Unfortunately, I feel I shall need a piece of wire to access the mechanism" Lady P thought about something for a second before reaching under her top. Parker coughed and we all turned around as she did. We all turned back as she said
"Will this suffice Parker?" Parker took the piece of underwire and said
" Most certainly, m'lady" he began working on the lock as LAdy P said
" I didn't actually need it anyway."
"Of course not, m'lady." Moments later the door clicked open, Parker Pulled it open completely and i said
"Ok, everyone get to the control room."

Thunderbirds are go!- Jaxson TracyWhere stories live. Discover now