Chapter 15

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Jaxsons P.O.V.

I've been home for just about a week now and with all honesty it hasn't been easy. I haven't been sleeping much in fear that I'd wake up and this would all be a dream. Sometimes it does feel like a dream, that all of this is just in my head. A fantasy that I've made up to cope with the henchmen amount of pain I was subjected to not too long ago. Since I've been back I've had at least one of my brothers with me at all times just in case anything happened. I don't mind it, but you should try living with 5 VERY overprotective big brothers. Let me tell you, it ain't easy.

It's currently 8:30 in the morning and we're all sitting down having breakfast. Dad is sitting in his normal spot at the head of the table. Scott is sitting to his left. John would be sat to his right but he had to go back up to Thunderbird 5 a couple of days ago, Apparently Brains is working on an AI system so john can spend more time down here. Virgil is sat next to Scott and Gordan is sat next to him. Alan is sitting next to John's empty chair and I'm sitting next to Alan. The others are enjoying their breakfast and chatting but i'm just pushing fruit around my plate and not really listening. Along with not sleeping, I haven't really been eating much and i'm not sure why.

Suddenly a hand was placed on my shoulder, I flinched away and dropped my fork. I then heard Alan say
"Wow, Jax it's just me" I then met the worried eyes of my family. I smiled, ran my hand through my hair and said
"Yeah i know, just.... Million miles away" I then ran my hands over my face as Scott said
"You okay, Kid" without even realising i said
"I'm not a kid anymore Scott. I'm 17 years old for god sake" Gordan then said
"Wait 17?!" I looked around and saw the rest of my family with the same shocked look on their faces. I then said
"Yeah 2 months ago... look i'm not hungry, i think i'm just going to go for a walk" I got up and started walking away from the table until Virgil said
"Hey, if you're up for it, i'd like to take a look at your arms. Maybe we can get the bandages off" i gave him a small nod before saying
"Sure whatever"

After leaving my shocked family I went straight down to the beach. I walked to the very far end of the beach and just sat there watching the water. With my knees pulled to my chest I couldn't stop a few tears from falling down my face. I know it's been a stressful few months for them but how could they seriously forget my birthday.

I was out there for hours before someone sat down next to me. I glanced over and saw Virgil looking out at the water. He didn't say anything at first but eventually said
"You've been out here for a while"
"I've been thinking"
"Thinking about how rubbish your family is" i smiled slightly before saying
"And other stuff"
"JAx, nothing i can say will make up for the massive cock up we've made" i closed my eyes and just said
"Virg, just don't, please. I didn't mean to snap at Scott, i was just going to keep it to myself" a small tear fell from my eye as he said
"Hey, Scott knows you didn't mean to snap at him and we should have remembered"

He then changed the subject by getting up and saying
"How about we see to getting those bandages off?" i smiled and said
"Yeah" he held out his hand and I gratefully accepted as he pulled me to my feet. We then walked back up the beach towards the house.


Knowing I probably wasn't best for me to see the others right now, Virgil ushered me straight down to the infirmary. I sat down in the bed and couldn't stop fidgeting with my hands. Virg then gently placed his hands on mine and said
"Jax, what are you worried about?"
"I'm not awfully fond of hospitals, i know this isn't a hospital but it's got the vibe"
"Just relax, jax, it's just me" i just gave him a half-hearted smile.
He then brought a stool up to the bed and said
"Can i check how your ribs are healing?" I just nodded before lying down on the bed and pulling my top up just enough for him to look at the wound. I flinched slightly as he touched it but that was to be expected. He then said
"It's healing well, I'm going to put a dressing on it for now just to be safe. You should be able to stop wearing one in a couple of weeks" i'm surprised he never brought up how skinny i'm getting. Anyway he replaced the dressing before saying
"I'm going to start with your right arm because I know the burn is on the left" I just nodded as he moved around to my right.

Not really wanting to look at my arms, I closed my eyes when he began undoing the bandage. After a few minutes he said
"Well looks like you don't have to wear a bandage on this arm anymore. And whoever stitched these up did a really good job" I then opened my eyes and saw him with a smile on his face. I then briefly looked at my arm and saw most of the bruises were gone or fading. And the cuts were a lot smaller than the last time I saw them. He then let go of my right arm and moved over to my left. I didn't close my eyes this time because I wanted to see my hand. He slowly took the bandage off and like my other arm, the cuts and bruises had started fading away. He then started peeling the bandage off my hand.

My hand didn't actually look that bad, there was some scarring but not as much as I originally thought. Virg ran an antibacterial wipe over the back of my hand and said
"That's actually looks really good, i want you to keep your hand wrapped for a little bit longer just to be safe" He finished re-wrapping my hand seconds before the IR alarm went off. Vigil looked at me for a second as if he was asking me if it was okay for him to go. I just motioned to the door and said
"Go. be careful" he then ran out of the room to meet up with the others. Not really in the mood to talk to dad, i went up to my room and soon fell into a restless sleep...


When I woke up I was back on the gurney but I wasn't restrained. My body feels like it's on fire thanks to the beating, i then heard the hoods voice

"Jaxson" I looked to my left and saw him standing there. Using what little strength I had left I jumped off the gurney and pushed him against the wall. He then said

"Don't even try it, Jax. The serum we injected you with is very effective" My head fell forward as the Adrenalin wore off. He placed a hand on either one of my arms and effortlessly lead me over to a chair in the room

"Come on, sit down. It's all right. You know, I've been going about this the wrong way the whole time" two metal restraints clamped my wrists to the chair. He then came over with a headset in his hands. He put it on over my eyes before saying
"You have feelings" an image of Scott was then projected
"Emotions" The image was changed to Virgil and John
"Friendship" The pictured changed once again to show Gordan and Alan
"Love" The picture changed again but this time is Dad, he was lying dead with blood on his face. I then screamed
"No! NO!" He then said
"Trick photography, Jaxson"
"NO! No!"
"Jaxson, Jaxson! Computer rigged. Virtual reality, Jaxson . It's not real. It's not real. We didn't kill him" He took the headset off and i could feel tears falling down my face as he said
"We didn't kill them. I just wanted to show you what can happen. What will happen" I took a deep breath before saying
"You're evil"
"Yes I suppose I am... but it's just so much fun seeing you this way" he put the headset back on but this time I saw everyone dead

Thunderbirds are go!- Jaxson TracyWhere stories live. Discover now