Meeting the Heroes of Pure Hearts Valley

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Johnathan's POV

I hugged my twin brother, Claptrap just before I left. "Remember to call me when ya get there!" He yelled to me. "Why would I not?" I yelled back. I can't wait to get there! I think to myself. A few hours later I see a giant, heartshaped ruby. Oh! My! Fucking! God! I scream in my head. I was bouncing in my seat from uncontrollable excitement. The bus stopped and I basically yeet my black furred ass off the bus. "Why hello newcomer! I'm King Snugglemane of Pure Hearts Valley!" Says a white and pink lion. "Hello, your highness." I replied while bowing. "I'm Johnathan Clappington." "There's no need to bow, Johnathan," Snugglemane said. " Oh, sorry. It's just a habit." I say while scratching the back of my head. The King tells me a bit about Pure Hearts Valley before I started exploring the town. I'm walking down a sidewalk when I hear a very loud and familiar screech. "LET ME GO YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" yelled a fairly deep voice. I run to the area of the yelling. Damnit! These mother fuckers can never leave someone alone can they? I thought. I quickly rip out my pistols and shot down the Raks. I put away my pistols and go to help the completely black cat when a little, blue bat says "Thanks for saving us!" I-It was nothing," I replied sheepishly. "I'm Adorabat! What's your name?" She asked "I'm Johnathan Clappington, but you can call me John," I answered. I shook Adorabat's wing. She smiled and said," These are my friends, Mao Mao and Badgerclops." I assumed that Badgerclops was the badger and Mao Mao was the cat. Mao Mao didn't even look at me, let alone make eye contact. Badgerclops, on the other hand, politely greeted me to Pure Hearts Valley. Hold on a second...if there where Raks here, then that would mean there's a whole nest of them I think to myself. " Is something wrong?" Asked Mao Mao. "Huh? Oh, I'm fine. Just... thinking..." I replied with a fairly serious tone. He then told me about how he was the sheriff of Pure Hearts Valley and thanked me for my help.

Mao Mao's POV

My friends and where peacefully patrolling Pure Hearts Valley when these giant, bat-like things came flying towards us.  Badgerclops shoots the large bats while I slice them with my sword. A few manage to catch us off guard, though. Two knock over Badgerclops and pin him down. Another one swoops down to attack but I blocked it. The bat sunk it's talons into my skin. "LET ME GO YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" I yell. Suddenly, I see a black and white cat turn the corner. They stand there for a moment before pulling out a pair of pistols. The cat shot the bats until they where dead. They start walking towards me when Adorabat stopped them. She thanked the cat for "saving" our lives. I could have handled it myself... I thought to myself. I didn't even want to look at him. "Umm, Mao Mao? You alright?" Asked Badgerclops. I nodded, even though I wasn't alright. I felt so stupid for letting the bat catch me off guard. I look to see the cat with a worried facial expression. "Is something wrong?" I ask. "Huh? Oh, I'm fine. Just... thinking..." He replied. His voice sounded serious, but his face gave off a worried expression. "I'm Mao Mao, and I'm the sheriff of Pure Hearts Valley." I say proudly. The cat look at me unamused. "And... thanks for saving us..." I say quietly. I didn't really look at the cat. I glanced at him and he slightly smiled. "I'm Johnathan and your welcome." He said. Johnathan then walked back around the corner he emerged from.

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