Hunt for a Rak Nest

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Johnathan's POV

I wake up at about 4:00 in the morning. No one else in town was awake. I hop out of my bed and put my old Vault Hunting gear on. I wait a couple of hours before I leave. I've gotta find that Rak nest and destroy it. Somehow... I think to myself. As I'm walking out of Pure Hearts Valley, I hear a little voice call out to me. "Hey, John! Where ya goin'?" Asked Adorabat. "I'm going to look for a Rak nest. What about you?" I replied. "That sounds fun! Can I come with you? Please?" She asked with puppy dog eyes. "It might be kinda dangerous, Adorabat. You could possibly get hurt." I calmly say. "Oh, Ok...". Adorabat just looked so sad about not coming. "Oh, alright. You can come along, but just as long as you listen to what I tell you." I say. Adorabat's ears perked up. "REALLY?" she said. "Yes, really." "OH,THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!" The little bat plopped herself on my head and we where off.


"What does a Rak nest look like?" Adorabat asked. "Have you ever seen an ant pile?" I replied. Yes! Yes I have! Does a Rak nest look like that?" "Yes it does, but it's much larger". I look to my right and see a clearing in the forest. I turn and start heading towards that area. "Is that a Rak nest?" Adorabat questioned. I nod. "Stay here, Adorabat. I'll be back" I wisper. She nods. I pull out one of my pistols and sneak as close to the nest as I possibly can. SCREECH!  A Rak must have spotted me because it just came flying towards me. I shot it in the head and it instantly died. I quickly throw a grenade down one of the holes and ran. About 2 seconds later and BAM the Rak nest exploded. I go to find Adorabat when I hear someone yelling her name.

Mao Mao's POV

I had just woken up. Holy shit! It's 6:20! I scream in my head. I quickly get dressed and rush downstairs. "Good morning, Mao Mao," said Badgerclops. I didn't say anything. "Where's Adorabat?" I question. "She said that she was going to see a friend." "Did she specify who?" "No, she didn't". Oh shit I thought what if she gets hurt, o-or worse. I rush out the door without eating anything. I started asking if anyone saw Adorabat and one of the said that she went into the forest with a different cat. I thanked them and went to find Adorabat. I started yelling."ADORABAT?! ADORABAT, ANSWER ME!" I started to panic. What if the sky pirate kidnapped her? What if one of those bats from yesterday KILLED her?! These questions continue going through my head. "Mao Mao?!" yelled Adorabat. I quickly run to where I heard Adorabat's yelling. I saw Adorabat standing next to a tree, looking at the large clearing. "What are you doing out here!?" I ask in a single breath. "I came to destroy a Rak nest with John," Adorabat answered. "Who?" I ask. "She's taking about me" said I male voice. "WHAT WHERE YOU THINKING BRINGING ADORABAT OUT HERE?! SHE COULD HAVE GOTTEN HURT!" I yell. I was very pissed off. "She was the one that wanted to come," he replied. I turn to look at Adorabat. "I'm sorry..." She said, not looking at me. "Are you hurt or anything?" I ask. She shook her head. I sighed in relief. "How about we all head home... I did finish what I wanted to do already," Johnathan stated. I picked up Adorabat and nodded.

Third person POV

Johnathan sat in his room while texting his brother about his accomplishment. It was only his SECOND DAY in Pure Hearts Valley. Claptrap couldn't believe it. "Show me proof and maybe THEN I'll believe you," he said. "What if I call you later and have my new friend tell you as well?" John replied. "I guess that'll work".

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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