I stretch my limbs out as my annoying alarm clock started to ring loudly. I turn my head over to see my cousin wide awake on her phone smiling widely, what is she looking at to make her smile wide? She caught my glance and started to grin, she got out of bed and walked out of the room making sure that none of the kittens got out. Strange. I ignore the fact that she never said morning or good morning and hop out of bed. I was greeted by the cute kittens, I smile as I picked up my favourite one, Fluffy. I said my greetings to the kittens and walked out of the room making sure that none of them got out,

"Morning sleepyhead!" My Aunty said with a smirk, I laugh as I say it back. I walked into the lounge room to see my younger cousin Sonny. I smile as I made my way on the couch next to him. I plopped myself down and started to watch what he was watching on the tv, great, fortnite. I don't mind watching fortnite but it does get annoying sometimes. It got boring so I started to annoy him,

"Bailey stoppp!" Sonny laughed as I kept ticking him. I finally gave up since my hands were hurting, got off the couch and into the kitchen. I look around not knowing what to have for breakfast, ah hah, Weet-bix. I get out the milk and started to place the dry cereal into a bowl and then poured the milk in making sure I didn't spill it,

"Oh hey Bailey, whatcha having for breakfast?" My cousin, Mya asked with a questionable look,

"I'm just having Weet-bix and uh why were you creepy when I woke up?" I question as I took a spoonful of the cereal and plonk it in my mouth. She just laughs and just replied with, I needed to pee. I tried so hard not to laugh but I nodded and walked to the table. As I was enjoying my breakfast, I heard a bark coming from outside, Harley. I roll my eyes as he kept barking sooner or later my Aunty told him to shut up. Now he isn't a tiny dog with a cute little laugh, oh no no. He was a great dane with a deafening bark. Then there was the other doggo, Indie. She was a staffy with an ok bark. Not that loud but not that quiet, I smile as I see all my cousins well most of them in the lounge room getting ready to play just dance.I quickly got out of my seat and rushed into the kitchen placing my bowl on the bench as I booked it to the lounge room,

"Hey Bailey! Wanna play just dance with us?" Jesse asked with excitement, I nodded as I got on the dance floor getting ready to dance my heart out.

We did around seven dances and we were all tired. The boys had an argument halfway through the second one but we were good for the rest of them. I was getting a bit bored so I made my way to Mya's room to grab my phone. Making sure the kittens get out again, I looked at my phone and seeing that I had six notifications from instagram and eleven from snapchat. I decide to answer my snap ones then I arrived at insta. All the texts were either from Daniel or Charli.

Spent a good hour talking to them when my cousin burst through the door making me jump and my phone went flying on the floor hitting a kitten. I yelp and grab Oreo making sure I didn't hurt her. I grab my phone and finally looked to see who was at the door, Kieran. My older cousin,

"Mum wants you to go outside with us soo let's go," He explained as he opened the door more,

"Yeah ok let me get dressed!" I giggle as I close the door. I pick out my outfit...

 I pick out my outfit

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