Mya's POV:

I thought I would show Bailey the app, Yubo, knowing that she would find someone that she will fall in love with. Luke was mine, I already call dibs on him but if Bailey steals him off me, I will seriously ignore the shit out of her.


The moment when I saw that he added me back, I felt butterflies. I don't even know how and why I got them from someone I had never talked to before. Weirdly strange.

I pick up Fluffy and started to talk to him and no I'm not insane for talking to a kitten. It's perfectly normal. I didn't want to talk to Luke right now so I went and had a shower. I gathered my clothes and headed straight to the bathroom. Locked the door and walked to the mirror since there was a counter under it. I started to take off my clothes when I stare at myself in disgust. I absolutely hate my body, everyone would compliment my body shape and how I have an hourglass but mainly I hated that I didn't have a flat stomach or a thigh gap. Tears dropped on my cheek so I quickly wiped them off and hopped in the shower.
—————- after the shower————

"Bailey! Sonny! Jesse! Kieran! Mya! Dinner!!" My Aunt yelled out making everyone run to the kitchen to collect the plates. I smile and collect my dinner, I thank her and walk to the table sitting next to Mya. Everyone quickly scoffs it down while i'm here eating slow, kinda awkward. I have a little stomach so I can't really have that much to eat or else I'll get sick and puke.

Everyone had finally finished and went into the lounge room to do just dance once again. Everyone took turns dancing and we all had a good laugh. It was supposed to be Mya and I's turn but she was on the couch smiling at her phone while texting. I'm guessing it would've been Luke,

"Mya, come on, it's our turn. Get up!" I told her with a calm manner, she rolled her eyes and continued texting. Typical,

"Don't worry Bailey, I'll dance with you!" Jesse explained while holding my hand, I smile and started to dance to the countdown. We all eventually had to go in our rooms and started to rest. I was in the mood to just lay down and talk to people, I was completely ignoring Mya since she didn't dance at all tonight. All because of that Luke kid.

I started to get comfortable on the mattress that was on the floor and opened snapchat. I added Luke back and we started to talk,

Luke: Heyy :)
Me: heyy x
Luke: How are you?
Me: I'm alright thanks, hbu?
Luke: I'm awesome thanks!
Me: haha that's nice to hear :)
Luke: Lol yeah

How do I seriously respond to that, omg this kid istg.

Me: yeah haha
Luke: I don't know anything about you, let's get to know each other!

After we got to know each other, I was getting tired so we said our goodbyes while I just watch Mya smiling like always, at her phone. I roll my eyes as they started to shut. I was having a good dream until I heard talking in the room. My eyes flattered as I try to find who was talking, Mya on a call with someone. I groaned as I sat up,

"You do realise I'm trying to sleep here!" I raise my voice indicating that I was mad. She looks at me and realised that I was still in the same room as her. I roll my eyes as I got comfortable again and as I was shutting my eyes I heard a voice but it wasn't Mya's.

"Hey, uh who was that?"

She just told him that I was her cousin. They just kept on talking so I placed a pillow on my face, hoping that they would shut up.

"Bailey! Time to get up!" My Aunt yelled out making me jump out of my skin. I quickly check what time it was and it was 8:30am. I got dressed...

It was pretty cold today since it is winter after all

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It was pretty cold today since it is winter after all. I walked out to the kitchen to grab something to snack on since I really wasn't that hungry this morning. I grab a banana and walk into the lounge room. No one was in there, 

"They are all outside love!" My older cousin yelled out, I nodded and ran towards the front door. I forgot about how fast I run so I went head first in the door. I stumbled and fell right into someones arms,

"Hahah be careful Bails!" Kieran spoke as I roll my eyes. I am still pissed at him from yesterday, 

"Yeah whatever, thanks," I replied with a sarcastic bow. I opened the door and walk towards the boys that were happily playing soccer. I smile as I was greeted with a hug from Jesse. After I gave everyone a hug, I decided to steal their ball and bolt towards our neighbour, Kiara. The boys were catching up to me as I tackle Sonny on the grass. We all had a laughing fit and we couldn't breathe. 

I notice that I still had the ball so once again, I bolted back to the house. I made it without getting tackled so I jumped the fence and now I was hiding with the dogs. Indie and Harley ran to me making me fall and get smothered in dog kisses. I tried so hard not to giggle or laugh or else I'll get caught by the boys. I push them off me and walked to the back, obviously, the dogs followed me as well. I was now hiding in a tree but then I realised that I have left the ball over near the fence. I yelp and hopped off the tree quickly, making my way towards the ball. As I was at the ball I heard footsteps behind me.

I slowly turn around to glance at Jesse. He smirks as Sonny tackled me on the floor. Not only did it hurt since I was on cement the dogs were on me. I scream in pain as I see a crap ton of blood pouring out of my head. I started to see darkness and I passed out. 

Mya's POV:

I was on the phone to Luke as I heard a scream and then came a lot of other screams,

"Uhhh what was that?" Luke questioned as I walked out of the room,

"AHHHH!" I scream out as I see my cousin, Bailey passed out on cement while blood was pouring out of her head. Luke could hear all of this since I did have my airpods in. I run into Kieran making him jump out of his skin,

"KIERAN! BAILEY IS PASSED OUT OUTSIDE WITH BLOOD POURING OUT OF HER HEAD!!" I screech making him push me out of the way to see what the incident looked like. He mumbled something that I can't repeat.

Mum wasn't here to do anything so it was just us to deal with this. I saw Kieran picking her and bringing her inside into the kitchen bench. He placed her carefully on the bench as he rushed into the bathroom to get supplies. Sonny looked guilty so he obviously did something, 

"What happened?" I question as Jesse quickly responded,

"Uh well, we were chasing each other and Sonny tackled her on the cement and yeah, this happened," 



I woke up on this bench while everyone was staring at me, I raise my eyebrow making me scream in pain. I tried to feel what it was until Moree grab that hand and explained what happened. I heard a voice coming from her airpods,

"Who are you talking to?" I question as Mya became silent. I heard a faint, Luke. I realised that she was on the phone to Luke. My eyes opened wide realising that he probably heard all of that. I hopped off the bench and made my way to the bathroom to see a fat bandage on my head covering the gash in my head,

"Uh Bailey, Luke wants to talk to us. I think he wants to play a game, I can't remember," Mya explained as I nodded.

Why would he want to play a game with me? 

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