w e l c o m e

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Well hello there, I made another one, as if that was needed. 

This fic is gonna have some serious triggers, so we shall start with a major TW for rape and abuse. I don't go into depth and as long as you know it happens it won't effect the storyline. I pretty much just mention that it happens and move on, because I'm better at writing wholesomeness. And sadness, apparently. 

I discovered a lot about myself writing these first 3000 words. I'm a lot sadder than I thought, and I'm a lot better at expressing it than I thought. 

It is 2:04 in the a of the m, and I am writing an author's note for a horribly depressing fan fiction. 

But it's petekey. 

I really hope you enjoy because I put a lot into this, and rather than making $10, I sat in a skinny chair crying over this. I'm so sorry for what I put them through oh my god. Anyway have fun being disappointed with how bad this is and how proud I am of it! 


Lopsided Smiles // Petekey // TW TW TWWhere stories live. Discover now