Chapter 2. Black Ops 1:25 AM Haagalan Army Base

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He could see the world below them as they lifted into the night sky, a sky already filled with special-forces fighter jets and black helicopters, flown in formation.

Corporal Kail Regulus led this team of five black ops soldiers, they were each dressed in skin tight body armor that was lighter then a feather and could absorb most close impact rounds, he pulled out the knife that he had on his sheath and inspected it, on a previous operation cow blood that had gotten inside the hilt of his serrated army dagger and although he has previously cleaned it was essential to check again - it was matt black in colour and was made from toughened ceramics, tougher then iron and could be jammed into a plug socket without electrocuting the user.

On recent days he had and his team, team Omega, had been deployed to do some strange things, at exactly 03:20 the previous day they landed at a random farm at Mariesville to disembowel a cow and remove its internal organs and brain then position it for dramatic effect. They made the kill without questioning their orders, though such actions were frankly below their skill level. "Old Bessy" was the name on her collar had read when they left her body to fester at the edge of the woods, then off in their black helicopters many hours before anyone noticed.

They ground up the organs and fed them to some security dogs in an industrial complex for good measure knowing that even if anyone did find the meat they would never suspect it being from a dead cow many kilometres away.

He grunted to himself under the black helmet that covered his face, readouts covered the transparent panel inside giving readouts of the vital stats of all five members of his team. There was Regulus, himself, Hrath a tough black man his right-hand man, Zoofi a young and new Caucasian female private who had recently been assigned to his team some five months prior, there was Hinary the Hispanic pilot who flew their black helicopter and Zaafis the quiet weapons specialist, she was a female east Asian though she was as tough as nails and could take down two special ops agents in one seconds flat, he knew this from first-hand experience she had almost broken his jaw and nearly knocked a tooth loose in one of their first training missions. It was his own fault though he had said no restraints and she...well she never restrained herself.

Regulus as well with the others had all had their names replaced upon entering the outfit, name being randomly selected by computer based on their characteristic, combat abilities and other statistical traits, something that he really did not care about except that the names were in ancient Angayic, pronounced Angri-ay-ic, a language he never knew existed and which he had heard rumoured was over a hundred thousand years old, he doubted this was true, but would never say so.

'Hinary landing time?' he shouted through the helms intercom and immediately he saw a ping from the row of five humanoid shapes to his right, it showed all his team members alive and well.

'10 minutes boss' Hinary said in a cocky tone, Regulus knew right then that he was worried.

They had seen Extra Terrestrial Craft, or ETCs before, truth is most civilians called them UFOs, those special ops divisions that specialised in ETC surveillance never used the commonly used UFO jargon that most people used, in part because the government never officially recognised that UFOs or alien visitations existed but also as a cover to ensure they were not overheard by conspiracy nutcases or black op chasers that followed any signs of black helicopters. Truth is much of their work was disinformation, like killing cows and making it look like alien landings, however these particular ETCs were unusual, hey had encountered them once up close over southern Japan, the ETC had hovered near their craft while on a black ops mission to take out an infamous drug lord.

That ETC had hovered near their jet and tracked them for some ten kilometres as they flew through Japanese air space, the controller had informed them not to take evasive action or even shoot it down, it was then that his life had changed and the special ops department transferred them to ETC control and the team's lives had changed forever.

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