Chapter 14. The Great Pyramids -4:04pm -Cairo, Egypt -Eight Hours Left

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The Battle for Cairo, The Three Warriors

A smog filled the skies around Cairo as fires from the war had burned years of architectural and monumental beauty to the ground, gardens and parks that once housed beautiful plants and exotic flowers were now mud ridden tracts of land with furrows of churned up soil and Earth, buildings and high-rise towers now lay wrecked and broken, shells of their former glory as the flames bellowed from all around and the stench of fire and death filled the air. From within the midst of this burning the Mar'an forces took refuge, they had been ordered to keep Cairo at all costs and currently a force of one thousand Mar'an soldiers in the city, they prowled the streets like wolves protecting their den.

Scorpions painted black scoured the lands and ground their massive maws into wrecked and twisted cars and anything metal they could, from their sides sprouted hundreds of new spiders, all built from his new material. To the north the farm lands that now looked like a messy churned plots of land but these areas did offer relative shelter for survivors who now gathered here. There were tens of thousands of people who had arrived looking for some kind of refuge, each baring weapons and anything they could find to fight the Mar'a. As thy gathered many prayed on the prayer mats they brought with them and the praying seemed to fill the open ground meanwhile ships of The Twelve circled like protective birds around survivors. Special ops soldiers walked around the people and rallied them, preparing them, as best they could, for the battle ahead.

Many of these were men and women sat nearby tending to their husbands and sons, many pleaded and some prepared their men before battle. Nearby in the form of a barn used to house wheat and foodstuffs a make shift military base had been set up and battle plans drawn up.

'Zoofi we are glad to welcome you, battle plans are drawn up and we look forwards to your imminent arrival so we can take action. This waiting around is making me anxious, very anxious indeed.' General Gardiner said twisting his silver and grey moustache as he sat in front of the holographic images of Special Ops agent Zoofi, the General was the General of the nearest military base and his brown skin showed his Arabic origins.

'Thank you General, we will be there in minutes, but we have to make a stealthy approach' Zoofi said, her voice projected from within the black helmet of her suit

'May I ask a question?' Gardiner said his wrinkled face showing fear for a moment before he was calm again.

'Yes.' Zoofi said as far above them a sphere of light burst from the clouds and shot down towards the ground.

'...aliens, I never believed until this invasion.' He said earnestly.

'Neither did we at first, we need to tell you something urgently' she said.

'Yes what is it.' He said.

'Come outside we are arriving now' she said and he immediately straightened and rushed out of the doors of the barn and saw the sphere slowing as it headed towards them, some screams emanated around them as until now the Twelve had kept away from personal contact with humans in fear of provoking irrational fears.

The crowd around the door scattered as the orb set down as the sand under it sizzled and turned to glass from the head as its from became metallic and a hatch formed on the side and a ramp swung open and touched the ground, from within the ship three black figures with black helmets of solid material emerged, they carried modern black rifles and people stood back in fear around them. The first of the figures reached up and twisted the helmet, it opened with a hiss and allowed its occupant to pull it off, the crowd was shocked to see a short haired and slender featured Caucasian woman as opposed to an horrific alien.

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