Chapter 1: Altair and Vega

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Hello Everyone,

This is my first ever A/B/O IDV Fiction ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ I'm honestly not knowledgeable on how the whole universe work yet, so bear with me for now ( ' ▽ ' )ノ I really love that my friends recommended alot of IDV Fiction involving this AU and read a bunch of fluffy and sweet story about it soooo~ I thought maybe I could try writing one. It looks fun and exciting! o(*^▽^*)o Even though I always doze off when I write, edit and proof read

I also love fantasy AU, I love creating my own world, lore, cultures, beliefs and so on and so fort, forgive my long introduction of whats this and that in my story @O@ I did my best and I hope you enjoy, sweet heart

I was planning to make this a one-shot fiction? if I get motivated and inspired~ I will continue this fiction ( ◞・౪・)


This chapter have sexy scene so if you're 18 and below wait till you're legal sweetie and for 18 and above readers enjoy!


Luxuria, dominated by the Alpha Race

Euterpe, dominated by the Beta Race

Parthena, dominated by the Omega Race

These races are divided into Empires to create a harmonious place to live in, they are tasked to protect the balance in the world of Gaia.

The Alpha race begged to differ, they wanted to rule over the Omegas since they believe they are superior to them, they only see the Omegas as someone to use for their personal pleasure, to carry their offsprings and nurturing their children, nothing more than a tool to secure their lineage but because of the Beta race their vainglory attitude had diminished, this race had maintained peace and order throughout centuries in Gaia, they are mediators of the two warring race.

Most of the Alphas did not like the Beta's authority and since the middle race did not want any trouble they make peace with the Alphas by allowing some of them to enter the High Court and serve under the High Judge, Leo Beck, who is a pureblood Beta and the one who created the system of peace and order amongst all race, Leo had two daughters to be his heiress and carry on his will, the eldest was a Beta like him and the youngest was an Omega, Unfortunately Leo lost his eldest in an accident and was devastated, in order to keep the balance during his mourning, he gave the authority to his right hand man and his friend who is an Alpha.

During his absence the High Court was dominated by the Alpha's, they neglect the tranquility that Leo Beck build over the years, they have become greedy of the power that was given to them, they have become more and more cruel and merciless with their judgement and their only goal was to breed the Omega and taught the newer generation of Alphas that they are the most powerful race in Gaia

Arranged Marriage and Oppression had been brought upon the Omega Race, the Royal Monarch in Parthena did their very best to please the Nobles in Luxuria and in doing so, they are protecting their beloved people from any danger that they will face, for several years, Parthena was always on their best behavior following both Gaian Law and praising the Luxuria Empire because one wrong move they will be damned and severely punished by the Alphas


Inside Euterpe's court house, a man with white hair, aquamarine eyes and sophisticated features is working sternly, his concentration broke when a little boy with his face covered in a leathered mask approached him and handed him some documents.

Heart's InstinctNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ