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What is the meaning of Ikhfaa?

Ikhfaa means to hide

Ikhfaa letters: Any letter other than the letters of Izhaar, lqlaab or ldghaam

Method of pronunciation:

If any letter other than the letters of Izhaar, lqlaab or ldghaam follows Noon Saakin or Tanween, the reciter should hide the Noon Saakin or Tanween and make Ghunnah.

If the Noon Saakin or Tanween is followed by a heavy letter, the sound of Ghunnah should also be heavy. If the Noon Saakin or Tanween is followed by a light letter, the sound of Ghunnah should also be light.

In order to pronounce the lkhfaa correctly, place your tongue at the point of articulation of the lkhfaa letter and pronounce the Ghunnah

Examples of Ikhfaa: من جاء

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