Chapter 2: Got out and Got in.

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I'm still swimming in this unknown place as I looked at my right hand still holding the white gem that was given to me.

Then a grumbling or mumbling with two different sounds, one was making a grunting sounds, and while the other sound seems to be deep, also they can be heard everywhere from this place and it seems to be they are talking to each other.

"Grak! Rurura Lits marumura!" Said the grunting sound.

"Rara bizt?" Said the deeper sound.

"Grah! Har rurura ra." Said the grunting sound.

I frown in confusion because I really don't know what are they saying about.

'Use the gem.' someone whispered in my ear.

I jump in surprise as I look around my back there's no one here, except me of course.

I tried to use the gem but I don't know how, I tried putting it on my forehead , mouth, arms, legs and other parts of my body except the ears because It didn't come first in my mind .

I put the gem in front of my ear. The grumbling sounds soon vanish changing into a understandable and familiar language but their voice still the same.

"Grak! Try that one! " Said Bizt.

"Okay Bizt." Said Grak.

Then a loud thud can be heard and it's seems to be pounding some sort ground? Repeatedly making this spacy place shaking and making the pointy stalactites disturb and falls down on me.

Oh no.

A few minutes later, while trying to dodge every stalactites falls even thou it's dark. It feels like my sense has sharpen up and I can feel the vibration of stalactites, making me aware where the next stalactites is going to fall near me. Then the poundings suddenly stops.

"Bizt this one won't crack open." Gark said.

"What!? Let me have it!" Bizt said with annoyed tone.

Then poundings resumes and it was more powerful than the previous poundings, then afterwards a few more pounding the place starting to get cracks everywhere until a big hole appeared and start pulling me in.

" Jackpot! It's a Lit! Grak get the ra!." Bizt said while their voices turn back to grumbling sound as I put the crystal away from my ear.

I got out from that spacy place and see a two creatures, a big orc with a rusty armor and a big club on his hard, and a troll with leather hat and a leather clothing, busy looking for an item in there inventory.

I was floating in the air aimlessly, having no control to where to go then as i look to my surroundings a sudden joy spark from my heart as the gem glows brightly, and I was fascinated by just looking at this new world that I've discovered.

The land was vast that filled with unique colored trees on there leaves, it almost like canvas on a painting and also the vastly sea can be seen from a far.The sky was filled was with golden wave like form of the clouds and the atmosphere feels pretty normal yet unique at the same time because you can almost feel all seasons are present, the air was fresh like I was drinking a cool water on a river.

Bizt I found it! Said the orc. Holding a small container.

Now capture it gark!

But before they can used the container on me, a rustlying noise coming from a tree. A another creature came out and jumps at me, while holding some sort a small bottle with a dark purple color inside.

I've tried to dive , swam, run , walk anything just to avoid the bottle but it's no use I have no control of my movement and direction, and then I got suck inside the bottle and my whole new world turns to black.

Hiya darlings! I hope you pay me a visit say hi.

Anyways this chapter can be change or added to new path. Since it's not decided yet whether I'll go this previous story or to the newly path of the story.

Please comment hi and critic my work so I can make my story telling better.

Bye darlings, see ya on the next chap maybe on the next day.

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