Chapter 3

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The inside was much bigger than the outside. 

Right as I walked in, there was a fairly large space with two big sofas and a flat screen TV hanging from the wall. A small white table sat in the middle of the space with a fluffy white rug beneath it. There were paintings hanging from the walls and a large mirror occupying about 70% of this one wall.

To my right was the kitchen, which certainly added to the homey feeling I was getting. There was everything you would find in a kitchen but 10x fancier and much more modern. Okay, maybe not that fancy but it was a huge step up from the Dreyford's small kitchen area. Back in their house, the dining table was crammed in with the kitchen itself and proved to be quite hard to move around.

Now this was something I could get used to.

What I was really interested in though was the island. It was black all around but with a pure white table top, and a four bar stools sitting on one side. I marvelled at it in awe, not noticing Gerard come up from behind me.

I jumped as his hand gently placed itself on my shoulder. He looked down at me, chuckling as I went back to admiring his kitchen space. God, this makes it so much easier to cook and bake. Well, that's if Gerard lets me. I took a mental note to ask him later. 

He steered me away, guiding me up a carpeted staircase. I let my hand drag across the wooden railing, letting the smooth texture run along my palm. 

There was a long hallway before me, and doors were on either side of me. Gerard led me to a door at the very end of the hall, and opened it for me. He nudged me softly, making me stumble inside.

It was right then that I clocked. This was my bedroom.

"Gerard..." I spun around and hugged him before he could comprehend what was happening. For a split second, I caught the surprised look on his face. Subconsciously, my head buried itself into his chest and I felt his arms snake around my slim frame.

"Do you like it?" There was a hint of nervousness in his voice.

I stared up at him, pulling away. And the biggest smile found it's place on my face, making my cheeks hurt. "I love it."

I turned my attention back to the room, drinking in everything laid out before me. 

A double bed situated itself in the middle of the room, with what looks like the softest pillows ever. A desk was by the large window at the other side of my room, already littered with pencils and papers and books.

A rather large bookshelf was to my left, however empty of books. I guess that's something for me to fill. There was a dresser too as well as a mirror next to it. The frame of the mirror was black and beautiful. 

The neutral colour in my room was the same as the rest of the house. Everything was grey and black and white. Not that I completely minded.

"I didn't know what colours you liked so I left it like everything else."

"It's still brilliant." 

"We can paint it soon, if you want." Gerard suggested, gesturing to the bare white walls. I had one grey wall, but I'd rather take up on the offer.

"Sure!" I piped up, allowing Gerard to give me a tour of the upstairs. 

He pointed to his bedroom just across from mine, telling me that I can knock on his door any time and I'd be welcome. 

Gerard showed me my very own bathroom down the hall and then helped me carry all my things up to my room. He left me to my own devices as he shut the door behind him, saying something about making dinner.

Adopted By Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now