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Sorry guys but Chapter 23 will be behind. I'm trying i'm not going to force myself to write when I don't feel motivated. Of course I always want to give you guys the best quality I can. Especially with what's going on in the world right now. Remember to stay at home stay safe, do not go out unless it's an emergency. Help protect everyone to stop this by staying inside.

The next update will be Chapter 23 but I love you guys and stay home, wash your hands and keep a 2m distance.

Love you guys thank you for all of your support see you next time

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Love you guys thank you for all of your support see you next time. ❤️

REMEMBER: don't leave any hate, rude or offensive comments. About the coronavirus because this isn't a joke so don't take it as one. We all play a role in this so any comments like that I'm deleting please be kind to one another.

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