Chapter 24 🙏🏻👶🏻🏥

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Third Person's P.O.V:

The hospital crew took all four of the heavily injured and pained victims. Away from the paramedics, rushed Kyungsoo into the maternity ward. And the other three were rushed to the trauma ward. The trauma surgeons were waiting ready to operate on them.

You could hear the cry's of the two males hoping that their lovers were gonna be okay. They tried to follow each of them but were pushed back.

" I'm sorry but no one can come in, well let you know what happens as soon as he's stable " one of the nurses said.

Chanyeol then backed off a bit deciding to take a seat outside the operating room. Meanwhile Kai was waiting outside the operating room. Kyungsoo was currently in labour, he was almost ready to have his little girl.

Hours went by and he didn't hear anything. Until the doctor came of the room calling him inside. " she's nearly out would you like to come inside ".

She said opening the door further, Kai could see Kyungsoo and he didn't even think of it and rushed inside to Kyungsoo's side. After a few more minutes of pushing they finally hear a loud cry. They both looked over as the doctor held her up. " would you like to cut the cord " the doctor said

She said as Kai immediately walked over and grabbed the scissors. Cutting the cord as the she passed the baby to the nurses to clean her up. Before placing their daughter on Kyungsoo's chest. To bonding time as Kai looked on tears filled his eyes.

There was a few moments of silent before Kyungsoo broke it. " where is Baekhyun is he okay " he said starting to get worried but of course Kai didn't want that. " I'll go ask Chanyeol okay I'll be back soon " he said but before he could go the doctor stopped him for a second. " when you come back go to room 32 that's where they will be moved to okay " Kai nodded before running off.

He rang Chanyeol to ask him where he was. " hello " he said at first it was silent he checked to see if he answered and he did. " hello " he said once again, this time he heard sob on the other side. " Chanyeol are you okay where are you " he said trying to gain an answer from his crying friend on the other end of the phone.

" I'm at the trauma ward " he sobbed one last time before the phone cut off. Kai immediately ran off to the trauma ward it was on the other side of the hospital. After a few minutes of continues running he made it to the trauma ward. Searching around before he heard a ding. It was his phone it was from Chanyeol.

Kai ran around looking for room 12 finally finding it he saw his best friend outside

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Kai ran around looking for room 12 finally finding it he saw his best friend outside. Sitting on the cold ground with his knees up to his chest, with his head down. Kai sat down next to him putting his arm around his shoulder.

Pulling him into a side hug, there was a few minutes of silence. Before Chanyeol lifted his head up and wiped his tears. " the haven't been out for hours what if he doesn't make it " Chanyeol said as more tears feel at the idea of losing Baekhyun. " look I'm sure he'll be fine and pull through have a little hope okay " he said as he stood up Kai lent out his hand for Chanyeol to take to help him up.

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