Chapter 6

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Sam and Sarah continued their journey of finding the information on the syndicate. Sarah was upbeat that everything was moving okay, the warning from the late poacher' s friend kept coming to her mind. Sarah had always been extra careful when she was going on a new investigation. But this one was different from the other one she'd done in the past, it was the biggest assignment of her career so far.

Sarah sent a text to Nandi to have some on her team to go on the Orlando tarven to scout the recruiter. Her phone rang with an incoming call from her boss. Sarah answered the call.

"Ah! How is my favorite girl doing?" Bafana asked.

"Well, I'm adjusting very well on this side."

"Hm, and the investigation how is it going?"

"So far  so good, I've not found any leads. If I can find the recruiter who recruited the late poacher - then I can break this investigation." Sarah replied confidently.

"Give it time. Soon you'll find something that will lead you to the truth. Investigations like this aren't that easy to crack, but I believe in you Sarah. You can do it."

Sarah smiles. "Thanks, sir. I needed that."

"Kiddo, you if you need anything tell me."

"Okay, sir."

"Take care." Bafana said as ended the call.

Sarah puts her phone down. Sam parks the car at the police station. Sarah walked out the car, she proceeds to the door. Inside the police station she is met by police officer in his early twenties. Sarah walks towards the officer.

"Hello, officer."

The police officer nodded.

"How can I assist you Miss?"

"I'm an investigative journalist for the The Eagle newspaper. I'm working on the story of the rhino poaching that's happening in Kruger National Park, weeks  back a poacher was killed. I'm here to inquire about the murder investigation." Sarah declared.

The officer sighed. "Er, I really don't know what's the latest on that case." The officer says as he looks at Sarah.

A man with a muscular build in  blue jean and a white shirt entered the reception area.

"Oh, detective Mike Mseleku can you assist the lady here." The officer states.

Detective Mike Mseleku walks towards Sarah.

"Hm, hello beautiful lady, how can I assist you with?" Mike said as he smiles.

"I'm here to inquire about the latest on the murder investigation of the poacher that was killed?"

"And you're family of the deceased?"

"No. I'm Sarah Ndlovu, I work for  The Eagle newspaper. I'm investigating the rhino poaching at Kruger National Park."

The detective looks impressed by Sarah.  Before he could answer her a man who is in his late fifties with black hair and mustache. He was wearing black suit came to them. The man looked annoyed.

"Is this my coffee huh?" The man asks.

"Sorry, Captain Khumalo. I was just assist the lady here." Mike justified.

"I don't care about your excuse, just get me my damn coffee." The man hissed.

"Yes, Captain." Mike walks away in a hurry.

The captain looked at Sarah with a cold look.

"And you what do you want?"

"I'm an investigative journalist from The Eagle, I'm investigating the rhino poaching in Kruger National Park. I'm here to inquire the latest on the murder investigation of the deceased poacher?"

"Well, that case just went cold, and we're not investigating it anymore." The Captain replied with a grumpy tone.

"What? A man died here and you just drop the case. Is that not odd?" Sarah asks suspiciously.

"Listen here girl, I don't have the time to explain myself to you. And who the hell you think you're to question my authority."

"Wow, it people like you who make police look like they're lazy. Why drop a case that hasn't been properly investigated." Sarah countered.

"Excuse me! You're very disrespectful. Officers take this so called journalist out of my station." The Captain Khumalo roared.

Sarah was taken out by force by the two officers. Sarah yelled at the officers to stop manhandling like she some criminal. The officers threw Sarah outside pavement.

Sam got out of the car and came running to help Sarah.

"Sarah, are you okay?" Sam asks, in a concerned voice as he helps her to stand up.

Sarah nodded. They walk to their car.


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