Chapter 18

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The following day. Sam' s death was confirmed. Sarah and his team were shattered by the news. It was a double blow for Sarah's team, losing Sam and dealing with the kidnapping of Bafana. Bafana was like a father to Sarah. She walked around in the office, she looked concerned. Nandi sat down, she looked heartbroken.

"Nandi, why don't you call it a day. I can see you're not okay." Sarah said, as she stands near Nandi.

"Sam, didn't deserve to die like that." She sobbed.

Sarah looks remorseful. "It my fault. I'm the one you told him to follow captain Khumalo and his crew."

Nandi wipes the tears. "It not your fault, Sarah."

"It's my fault. I take full responsibility for what happened to him. Everything is not going our way - first I get attacked, then my boss gets kidnapped and Sam gets killed. What's next? What have we done to deserve such bad luck - all we wanted was to put an end to this rhino poaching syndicate." Sarah says as she sat near Nandi.

Mike walked in the office.

"Found anything useful?" Sarah asks, with concern in her voice, as she stood up.

"No. My condolences, I heard about Sam." Mike looked at Nandi, she nodded. "It indeed a kidnapping, the CCTV footage shows a car with cloned number plates and the suspects wore musks."

Nandi stood up. "I'm going to the ladies." She walked out the office.

"Damn it! This is really bad. We have to find him."

"My guys at that side are doing their best to track them down. All we can do now is wait." Mike stated.

"Wait? We can't just wait and do nothing. I don't know what will I do if something bad happens to him."

Mike hugs Sarah. "It gonna be okay."

"Mike, I'm scared."

"Trust me, he'll be found."

Sarah breaks away from the hug.

"What if this is linked to this rhino poaching investigation."

"Hmm, it possible."

"Then what if we get Chico and ask him questions. Maybe he might tells us the truth." Sarah says as she walks toward her desk.

"I doubt Chico would cooperate with us considering that we are after him and his syndicate." Mike informed.

"Damn it! I really hate this!" Sarah snaps as she hits her table.

"Easy, Sarah." Mike said calmly.

Sarah's phone buzzed. Sarah picks the phone and see an unknown number on the caller ID. She answers the call.


"Sarah Ndlovu, you're playing with fire." Pearl said as she walks around her lounge.

"Who is this?"

"I'm representing the people who have your precious boss."

"How is he? Please don't hurt him. I will get you the money you need." Sarah says.

Pearl chuckled. Sarah looks more worried, Mike folds his arms.

"This is not about the money. We have our own money."

"Then what's it about then?"

"Drop your rhino poaching investigation - if you don't your boss will die." Sarah says in a cold and threatening tone.

"Please it doesn't have to get there please."

"The ball is in your court, Sarah. Are you gonna give up the story or let your boss die because of your stubborn?"

Sarah remained quite.

"Tick tock, Sarah."

"Can I at least speak to him." She pleaded.

"Go to hell. You're in no position to make request. End the investigation and then you'll get your boss back."

"How will I..." Sarah was cut off as Pearl ended the call.

"What did they say?" Mike inquires.

Sarah puts her phone on the table slowly.

"Sarah, what did they say?"

Sarah turn around and stands near the window.

"They want me to stop the investigation in exchange for Bafana. If I don't stop the investigation they'll kill Bafana." Sarah says as she looks defeated.

"Damn it! This is bad. So, what will you do now?"

"I really don't know what to do. I'm really facing a dilemma here. I have to make one choice whether to continue the investigation or save Bafana's life."

Sarah sighed heavily. She had a lot to think about in this tricky position she found herself in.


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