Chapter 19

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Pearl was at the warehouse. All the rhino horns are stored on the facility before being shipped out of the country. Pearl walks around as she observes the workers put the horns in the storage room. She walks back to the office, the office had whites tiles, with a white colour on the wall, with a wooded table with two leather chairs on opposite side. Pearl towards her chair, her cellphone rang. She saw on the caller ID it was Mr Sin. She immediately answered it.


"Ah, my girl. How are things on that side?"

Pearl was stand near her chair. "The operation is going smoothly. The horns will be transported today to the destination."

"That's my girl, I knew putting you in charge things will run smoothly with no hiccups." He commented.

Pearl smiles as she touches the chair. She was devoted in making Mr Sin happy. Pearl was an former soldier, she was discharged from the army five years ago. Pearl got involved in the contract killing business which led her to develop a strong relationship with Mr Sin. Mr Sin liked Pearl for her drive and dedication to her job. Pearl never makes any mistakes on her job; she was a perfectionist in her job.

"Absolutely. But I have a concern with your man, Chico."


"He's too compromised for our operation. The journalist girl knows about him - yesterday someone followed him to our meeting." Her voice full of concern.

Mr Sin sighed. "Damn him. He's no longer useful for us anymore if he's compromised."

Sarah nods. "My thought exactly. I would suggest I remove him permanently."

Mr Sin took time to respond.

"You think so?"

"Positive, sir. If we don't eliminate him now he will cause us more problems. As you know I don't like leaving loose ends in my job."

"Then it settled then. Chico must die." Mr Sin said.

"Consider it done. Soon Chico will be history."

Mr Sin giggles. "I like it when things go our way. And Pearl make sure that journalist drops this investigation fast."

"It all under control, sir." Pearl says as she walks toward the window, she opens the blinds and see a van arriving in the warehouse.

"Sir, I've to go now. Something just arrived."

"Cheers." Mr Sin ended the call.

Pearl places the cellphone on her leather jacket pocket. She walked out the office. A man got out of the van, the man wore a black jean and black hoodie. Pearl smiled as she saw the man.

"Phil, glad you made it." Pearl warmly said, as she extend her hand.

"It was a long drive." He says as he shakes hands with Pearl.

"Did you have trouble on your way here?"

"Nope. I avoided the roadblocks, I didn't want them to see our friend at the back."

Pearl and Phil walk to the back of the van, Phil opens the door. Pearl smiles as she sees Bafana lying down on the van.

"I had to drug him to make not to draw attention to us." Phil justified.

"Excellent. Get him out of here and take him to the room. And torture him as a welcome home gift." She ordered.

Phil nods. Pearl walks away.


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