Chapter 6: Flight to America

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In the ensuing brief hours that followed, Izuku and Katsuki had changed into civilian clothes, simple disguises. On their persons were fake IDs that Mei had printed out.

She herself led them through airport security, with a few suspicious glances from people, before they boarded a plane headed straight for New York City, USA.

Izuku and Mei sat in the same row while Katsuki was a few rows back.

"You mind if I sit by the window?" Izuku asked.

Mei looked at him and shrugged. "Sure thang!" She said, trying to fake a New York accent.

"The accent is not necessary, y'know." Izuku said quietly after he sat down.

"Just trying to keep all suspicions off." She said trying to recline as much as possible in the near 90 degree angled seats. "Nuts and bolts, are these really the best they can do?"

Izuku managed a light chuckle. "First time on a plane?"

"I honestly expected it to be your first time....too." Mei said.

"What makes you think that?"

"Single child raised in a so-so neighborhood in an apartment all his life, dad always gone on business trips. Timid, nervous wreck. I could go on."

"Those mean nothing." He sighed.

Meanwhile Katsuki was groaning audibly as the elderly couple next to him were already snoring.

"But this will be my first time to America. Officially." Izuku said.

Mei sat up and looked him in the eyes. "Why did you and Katsuki agree to this? Actually....why are you doing any of this?"

"Can we not talk about this right now?" The green haired man asked.

"No I'm serious. Just a few months ago you were a police officer." Mei said.

"I was a coffee boy for a police station. They never let me leave the building and I was always escorted back to my apartment."

"Same thing, right?" Mei snickered.

Izuku looked over the seats in front of them and behind, and around. Most of the plane's passengers were sleeping somehow. As if those three were the only ones inexperienced with such a long, tight flight. Granted, it only just begun as they left the ground and blasted off into altitude.

"...It was more like my duty as a hero caught up with me rather than I dropped everything and turned back to it." Izuku began.

As he told her his story, it even started making more sense to him as well. But talking about things such as Maeko Hatsume and Mina Ashido were particularly hard.

Maeko was her brother after all. And it was Maeko who killed Mina.

Mei still listened, unshaken by those pieces of information. She already knew it. Both she and Tenya Iida saw it coming in Maeko, that he would break someday.

But the news that the government seemingly hired him as a mercenary to keep former heroes in line was what truly broke everything. If it was true, then that information could be used against the Accords that outlawed heroism in the first place. And prevent any further unnecessary regulations on Quirks.

Now if only there was evidence to back it up. They had eyewitnesses to Maeko's crimes. But all were allies now. Every one of them had an awakening similar to Izuku.

"May I ask you something, Hatsume?" Izuku asked.

"Well you just did." Mei smiled. "But sure."

"How do you already know so much about us? And why are you helping us?" He asked.

"....Now you asked two questions." She joked. "But I saw through everything. I did my own research. And I think I know a few pieces of information that you don't. Like who hired my brother in the first place and why him."

"But once we get to America and find Mark Handsaw, it'll really confuse you both. But just trust us, okay?" She asked.

"So you've been working with him?" Izuku redirected.

"There's lots of us all over the world, the UN, that see through the Accords. Evil intentions. Mina Ashido was actually one of us."

"Mina..." Izuku said. "Well it makes sense. But she focused more on unity and peace in spite of the Accords."

"She did what she could through legal actions. Fight fire with fire. But the ones responsible orchestrated the whole thing. They wanted Maeko to kill her." Mei explained. " you blame my brother for what happened? I understand...if you do. But please....keep an open mind about him, okay? All our lives, he's been misunderstood and hurting...."

"He's dead anyway. He blew up." Izuku said.

Mei frowned at him. "Don't ignore the real cause of that. You need to get your Quirk checked. Not many strength enhancer Quirks just blow stuff up. And be lucky I'm not absolutely angry that you blew him up. Maybe I should be."

"Then why aren't you? That's what I've been asking. That's what my question was." Izuku told her.

"I can't explain it. But Mark will."

"Who even is he?" Izuku asked.

"An American who used to work at a robotics development company in New York City."

"How convenient." Izuku sighed.

"You should just get some sleep, pal." Mei glared at him. "Impatient hero nerd."

Izuku rolled his eyes and rested against the seat, staring out the small plane window.

It had finally occurred to them, besides the conversation's audio adjusting, how loud the inside of the plane was. The constant scream of the engines was blocked out by the walls, but still an obnoxious sound. How could anyone fall asleep to this?

Before he knew it, the pilot announced over the intercom to fasten seatbelts. They were arriving to New York. He must have fallen in and out of sleep.

The green haired man looked out the window for the buildings and seas and the plains of the New York countryside, but what caught his attention was something flying up.

This projectile first blasted into the sky, then corrected itself and turned toward the plane, coming in fast.

As it approached, it suddenly appeared, humanoid. Like a flying metal man.

He rushed out of his seat. "Mei!" He shook her awake.

"Hmm? Are we there yet?" She asked.

"GET UP!" He shouted.

Suddenly, the seat he was sitting in had ripped out through a hole in the side of the plane from the window as the metal figure landed and clung to the side.

Instantly, the pressure in the plane starting to suck everything not strapped down towards the hole.

Izuku jumped over and tackled the stewardess who was flying toward the open space. He activated One For All and held her down. "It's okay!" He shouted.

Mei had jumped from her seat and grabbed on to the railing above their heads where the luggage was kept. But many bags were passing by her and flying out of the plane.

Everyone began screaming all at once as emergency buzzes and lights kicked on, masks dropped from the ceilings at sharp angles pointed to the gaping hole.

Izuku was trapped. Unable to do anything but hold the stewardess down.

Yet the robot attacker did not stop. It climbed through the hole with incredible strength and reached for him on the ground.

Mei looked back and kicked the robot's head.

It jolted forward then turned back to face her holding on to the railing for dear life.

Then, Katsuki jumped out of his seat and let the suction carry him toward the scene.

Izuku reached out to stop him from using his Quirk but it was too late.

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