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George Luz had a reputation. Not a good one, given his reputation was for producing fake identities out of thin air and his aptitude when it came to thievery. That, and his time in the military had made him one of the world's best snipers. If someone needed to disappear or had a target they wanted eliminated, or both, the first name on their lips would be his.

Admittedly, one had to be a part of a very specific community to hear his name in the first place. To most, the name George Luz meant nothing. But both fugitives and those in the intelligence community found Luz was a name that commonly floated about their circles. It was rare, though, for the intelligence community to have much good to say about Luz. He was too elusive, too irksome for appreciation of his talents to outweigh their annoyance. No one found any room to admire how Luz could slip from the feds with hardly any effort.

Except for a certain Joe Toye. By no means did Toye like George Luz. Farthest from that, in fact. He despised Luz with every ounce of his being, and that was not an exaggeration. But he appreciated the ease with which George could elude the authorities. It was awe inspiring. Annoying as hell, but awesome. And considering Joe was one of the main authorities chasing after Luz, that fact he could admit that was impressive.

Toye had been hunting Luz for years, but everytime he got close, George was gone. It was like trying to grasp at smoke: useless. Joe had had one face to face interaction with the infamous criminal, and- well, he preferred not to think about it. It hadn't ended well, and had left Joe with an even greater need to find Luz and get him behind bars.

And Toye still wanted that more than anything in the world, but right now, he had to cast that from his mind right now. Right now, while he was still hunting Luz, his priority wasn't detaining him. It was getting his help.

The parking garage George had designated as the meeting spot was darkened with shadows and reeked of cigarette smoke. Joe's hands were wrapped around his gun as he waited, eyes skimming his surroundings. It took a while for his eyes to adjust to the dark, but once they did, he could make out the bare layout before him, completely devoid of life. He knew better than to relax, though. The fact he was seemingly all alone only encouraged him to tighten his trigger finger.

Joe had been told not to bring any weapons, but he was about to meet with a dangerous criminal, it would have been stupid of him to not come prepared with his forty five caliber. Of course, he was already pushing his luck getting a meeting in the first place. He was a CIA agent who had not so secretly made it his life mission to catch George Luz, and Luz was by no means trusting, so needless to say, arranging this had been damn near impossible. He had managed it, though. He had done some shady (mildly illegal) things for it, but he had managed it.

A pistol pressed into the base of Joe's neck, effectively putting an end to Joe's musings. "Come on, Toye." A low voice drawled, unwittingly sending chills racing up the agent's spine. "What did I say about bringing a gun along?"

Joe raised his hands in the air, the muzzle of his gun pointing straight up. "I can't quite remember your policy on them."

"Want me to remind you, then?" A hand clamped down on his arm and Joe was whirled around. He instinctively lowered his gun and directed it at the face of George Luz, who seemed all too amused by the situation. "Put it down, or I'll have to take care of it. I really don't want to do that."

Joe hesitated before dropping his arm and uncocking his weapon, feeling much less secure without his .45 pointed between Luz's eyes.

"On the ground, Toye." Luz clarified. Joe reluctantly did as he was told, letting his pistol drop to the concrete floor below. Clearly satisfied, George lowered his own sidearm, face splitting into a grin. "Wonderful, so glad you can follow directions, even if it does take a little reminding."

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