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Toye had changed from his suit and into a tuxedo. His boss, Dick Winters, had made a point to tell him he needed to wear a tux tonight, which seemed superfluous to Joe. How was it that much different than a suit, anyways? He was basically just wearing a stupider looking tie and jacket. Given that it was a direct order from his superior, though, he had done it without expressing any of his distaste. The other very explicit, very direct order he'd been given was to not bring any weapon besides his Springfield Hellcat, his easily concealed handgun that wouldn't raise any brows. Joe chose to ignore that command, electing to slip his brass knuckles into his pockets, right next to the pistol he was bringing in.

He was chasing a known fugitive, he had to be prepared for hand-to-hand combat, if things came to that. Plus he hated going anywhere without them.

Joe kept his hands wrapped around the cool metal from the moment he stepped foot from his room til he slipped into the crowd at the Met. Light classical music trickled down from above, combining in with the polite chatter of the guests. Toye slipped his coat off and gave it to the coat check. He didn't like not having a sidearm with him, which was another reason he had brought his brass knuckles along. To feel slightly less vulnerable.

Drawing in a breath, Joe buttoned his tuxedo jacket and turned his comms on, the earpiece crackling to life. "I'm in." Toye murmured, making his way through the crowd the best he could. A few waiters passed by him, and as one passed, Joe snatched a flute of champagne, figured he could do for a little liquid courage.

"Keep an eye out for Luz." Guarnere's familiar Philly accent came through. They must have switched handlers at some point. "We'll leave the line open so we can hear everything, but we recommend silence on your end to avoid suspicion."

"Mhm." Toye downed the thing of champagne, the bubbly alcohol a refreshing change. Joe stopped briefly and looked around, trying to spot a waiter. One was moving around a few yards away, and Toye worked his way over there, uttering apologies all the way. He finally jostled past one last person, hurriedly delivering the empty glass to the waiter.

"I thought that might be you." A hand brushed softly just below Joe's shoulder blade, and he whirled around to find Luz, hair gelled and a lopsided smirk pulling at his lips.

Toye's heart beat wildly, but he wasn't sure if it was from the shock of being touched, or if it was who had touched him. "How'd such a short guy like yourself manage to spot me?" His voice was casual, nothing like the swirling panic within him.

"You're hard to miss. Especially in that tuxedo." Luz's eyes pointedly dragged down Joe's body before slowly meandering back up to meet Toye's gaze. "Not to mention you're the only goddamn person in New York with that haircut."

"Wow, thanks. You aren't so bad yourself, even if you did insult my haircut." Toye said, wetting his lips. And he meant it; George may be a criminal, but he knew how to clean up. He was in a fitted all white suit, even his tie was white, and Toye couldn't help but find it ironic Luz was decked out in the colors of angels and innocence. But Joe would be lying if he said he didn't find it attractive. Scratch that, it wasn't just attractive. It was sexy as hell.

Luz winked at Toye, a smile playing on his lips. "Of course..." He hesitated, unable to fill in Toye's name. "Well, I don't know your name. I didn't catch it earlier."

"Well-" Toye said, straightening his bow tie and grabbing a canapé from a tray as a waiter sped along. "-That's because I never gave it." He popped the hors d'oeuvre into his mouth, eyebrow arching.

"So you're paranoid about being kidnapped and giving your name out?" Luz tsked. "Do you want me to offer my name up as some sacrificial lamb or something?"

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