A new girl.

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Lilith POV
My name is Lilith Henderson, a girl with high intelligence and with relationship issues. I never loved boys, because i didn't believed in a magic of LOVE, you can probably say that i am a lesbian, but i haven't thinking about this. I haven't had feelings for anyone with my gender, even Tasha who always cheered me up in hard times or spending some time with me when i am all alone, she was always my friend even though i was a such crybaby at times. I thought that i will never have those feelings that everyone has, but then i met someone special... It started from an early day, i came to our dorm and saw a girl with pink hair, she looked at me with her blue shining eyes.

"Hmm.. Illogical pink but glowing hairstyle, unusual but deliberate outfit, your characteristics don't match with any of my data. Which means.. We have a new student today! I'm Lilith"

"N-nice to meet you, i'm Michelle."

"Michelle.. That's a wonderful name!"

"Oh, uh.. Thank you."

"Look, i just checked you, there is no need to be afraid."


I sighed.

"Well Tasha, Michelle the science of fashion is waiting for us."

"Alright, let's go!"

This how we met eachother for the first time. First days of her life in institute were pretty problematic, it's not that she acting kinda emotional sometimes, we were normal with it, it usually happens because of our enemy Julia Cooper, after the time when Michelle by accident splashed Julia with punch, she started a war with her, she was always breaking her happiness, but later Michelle started to get used to it. Her personality, she's such a pretty kind girl and also a creative future designer. After six days, i met her sitting next to a tree drawing something, i came closer to her to see what she's doing.


She gasped but then made a relieved sigh.

"Lilith you scared me!"

"Sorry, i was just wondering what were you doing here."

"Nothing! Just relaxing here that's all."

"Then what's in your notebook then?"

Michelle silently hide her drawings. I sat next to her.

"Trust me, i won't laugh at your drawings, maybe they aren't that bad. Tasha saw them already, can i look at them too?"


She showed me her sketches and i was pretty surprised by her ideas.


"No, not at all, they are fantastic Michelle, ahem, for the first time of course."


"Yeah, i knew that you have lots of ideas."

She giggled.

"Thank you, i am happy that you liked them."

"Don't mention it."

After a couple of minutes we came back to our lockers, Michelle opened her locker and saw a note.

"Michelle, i am really obsessed with your ideas, i want you to come to the corridor where no one ever goes in 13:30" Michelle readed.

"Are you sure you want to go there, it sounded kinda suspicious.."

"I don't know. But maybe it writted someone that needs help? Who would want to destroy my mood in the saturday? I'll go."

"Alright, just be careful okay?"

"I will."

I didn't knew why i cared so much for her, i decided to pick Tasha with me, she agreed and came with me. When we came to that place we saw that Rita and Dory were holding her hands to not let her go, and Julia was holding Michelle's notebook.

"Hmm, let's see.. Huh, you have much of those stupid ideas. I can't even pick an idea from this!"


"But don't think that i haven't picked you a punishment!"

Julia destroyed her notebook with papers on two halves, Michelle was really shocked by this, her all drawings were destroyed.

"Now you're no longer a designer! Now it's time to get rid of you once and for a-"

"Hey, leave her alone you "beautiful" bastards!"

"And what will you do then?"

"I will punish you harder than you did to our leader!"

"Leader?! Are you serious? She doesn't deserve to be your "leader" dumber!"

Tasha showed her a needle.

"Remember this?"

"Uhh... Yeah?"

"Good, now if you don't let her go, i will throw this needle into your forehead like the last time."

"Fine, let's get out of here."

Dory and Rita let her go and came with Julia. Michelle sat on her knees and started to cry silently hugging halves of her notebook tightly.


I came to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Were really sorry... We should have defended you earlier.."

"Don't apologize.. You did n-nothing wrong..." Michelle said in quiet tone.

"Calm down girl, we'll think of something." Tasha said patting her head.

"Revenge will not work Tasha."

"It's not about a revenge, i'm about her notebook."

"Hmm.. Maybe i can fix it."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Y-you think so..?"

"Of course i am, so stop whimpering and let's go to our dorm."


I gave Michelle a hand and wiped her tears off. We came to our dorm, i was thinking how to fix it but then i understood how to do it. On the next day i gave her a fixed notebook and she she huged me tightly.

"Thank you so much, you really helped me! I don't even know what say.."

This made me upset because no one huged me before. Michelle looked at me with confused face.

"What's wrong Lilith?"

"Nothing, you're just the first one who gaved me a hug..."


She patted my back and told a joke to make me laugh, and it worked. After these events she was like a younger sister to me, a sister of my dreams...

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