Don't have to hide.

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Michelle POV
Lilith was kinda strange in times, she was caring for me more and more. I really wanted to know what happened with her. And i finally understood at one day. So we were walking around the institute, Lilith showed me her creation named T.K. and told me what can it do, then we met Gregory Forbes that also got interested in her creation, he gave her an offer to introduce T.K. to audience on the stage. I was happy about it, Lilith could finally show her talents but she wasn't happy at all.. At the cafeteria i understood that she had a stage fright, and i invited Tasha, Sam and Will to get rid of this fear of hers. She came looking unemotional.

"What is this guys?"

"We're here to help you get over your stage fright Lil."

Her emotions haven't changed.

"Thanks guys but there's nothing you can do.. I'm leaving tonight for the other side of the world.. And no offence but, you all teaching me?"

"Nah, i'm here just because it's my room"

"She forced us to come here!"


"Well, that's truly nice of you all, but it'll never work. I'm hopeless.."

"Come on Lil, this is your big chance. K.T. is your way in!"

"Fine, wait.. K.T.!"

"It's gone!?"

"No, this can't be! I should find it right away!"

"Lilith wa-"

Lilith left the dorm to find her creation.

"Oh don't tell me that we came here just for this.."

"Maybe you want to play some games in our dorm?"

"Good idea!"

Will and Sam left the room.

"Uh.. Does she really think she can find it alone?"

"I thought you didn't care about Lilith's offer."

"I care, i'm just lazy to go anywhere. But if you want i'll go."

"How about a walk around institute? Maybe we can find K.T. outside."

"Fine, let's go."

We left the room and walked around all places, hours passed, but it was hopeless. We haven't find it anywhere, so we came back in institute and when we came in our dorm we found Lilith weeping, tears were dripping on her skirt.


Lilith whimpered and looked at us halfly opening her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Tasha said in worried tone.

"Ugh.. Guys, i am an idiot..." Lilith said through sniffle.

"What are you talking about? You have a highest IQ in this whole institute. Why are you beating yourself like this?"

"I saw K.T. on Rita's neck, i tried to get it but i wasn't brave to take it from her..! I probably left it on the cafeteria so she took it away... Now how am i going to introduce my creation to them!? I even tried to recreate T.K. but it didn't work..! How could i end up like this!? I am the worst scientist ever borned..."

Lilith continued to cry but a little louder. Tasha didn't knew how to comfort her right now, i sat next to her and patted her back to calm her down a bit.

"Lilith, you're not the worst scientist, you did lots of good creations like today. Everything will be okay, i promise."

"Michelle, Tasha, i'm happy that you both care about me, but it won't work, nothing will..."

Hidden Feelings... (PINY Michelle x Lilith Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now