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I really like this ship. And no it's not just because or because it's gay. It's for the fact that Kirishima is the only one who could probably get within 3 feet of Bakugou and not be blown to smithereens. It's also the fact that they would make a great couple. Midoriya said it himself that if Bakugou wanted to be rescued by anybody it would be Kirishima. And that's exactly what happened. Also if it had been Iida, Momo, Todoroki, or Izuku that was reaching their hand out Bakugou wouldn't have taken it. Especially if it was Todoroki or Izuku. Bakugou saw Kirishima reaching his hand out and took it. Also, I do just really like the ship. 😅 It's my OTP.



BNHA Ship Opinions Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora