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Yeah, I ship this. I was here before people even knew who the fuck Hawks was and what impact he had. When this was just a crack ship. I know they don't have that big of a chance, but I really want it to happen. And, if they don't wind up together, we always have Fanfiction and Fanart. But like, I really want them to end up together. One hundred percent.




I just realized. Hawks probably isn't gonna make it to the end of the series with what he's done in the Manga. I said I'm not a Manga reader, but I accidentally got a lot of shit spoiled for me. And just realized Hawks isn't gonna make it to the end. Either Toga, Dabi, or someone else from the League gonna end him. Now I'm sad. Like, he's only been in the Anime for two episodes, and I already fucking love him. 😭

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