Preface: Trust

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Preface: Trust

Trust. A word that can mean so much to some and so little to others. A feeling that is justified and abused every day. Trust can be the best thing that has ever happened to you or the thing you fear the most. You can colour trust in so many shades but how you colour it all comes down to one thing.

The person to hold your trust must earn it. Without it being earned the person may break your trust and you may never learn to trust any one ever again. As human beings we are naïve and believe a person deserves our trust, when that person deserves nothing of the sort. We fool our selves into thinking a person is there for us until they betray us and our illusions are shattered.

How do you make sure you don't get burned in the end, you ask? You can't. Even if you pick someone who earned your trust fully, you can never be sure they won't at one point abuse it. You never know what is going on in any brain other than your own. You can never tell the good from the bad. You never know if what you perceive as good may turn bad.

But even if you can't truly trust anyone in this world you have to trust someone, at least in the smallest degree possible. Without trust, everything would fall apart, we'd turn into brutal paranoid savages. You just have to trust.

You can't get burned unless you take the heat, but you also can't live because we are not cold blooded.

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