Chapter 2: The Powers

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Chapter 2: The Powers

All you could hear was the shuffling of feet as the Magister led us down a long hall where everything looked the exact same. The walls were a pale beige and the doors a golden colour. Everything was plain, as there were no portraits, or anything to adorn the walls. It seemed as if they were not lived in, they were purely professional.

The Magister stopped at one of the golden doors, looked around, and within seconds warriors appeared out of thin air in a tight semicircle around all of us. They had that blank look on their faces still and were all dressed in black with their hands folded behind their backs and their feet shoulder length apart.

After awhile of us not moving, I tried to get a better look at the Magister by going onto my tippy-toes. Up high, I still was unable to see anything but the top of his head through the crowd, this displeased me. When I tried to get higher though, I only was only rewarded with the sharp pain of an elbow from the person behind me. I glared back at them, but got no sort of apology, just a stern stare that said I had no right to be looking for one. I huffed at them and looked back towards where the Magister should be, my feet planted firmly to the ground.

"Who knows why you are all here?" the Magister's voice boomed from ahead. A ton of hands shot up as if this was just another class at school. "You in the pink dress." the Magister said going along with the convenient system.

"We're here to become warriors." a know-it-all voice came out of the sea of heads.

"And what do the warriors do?" he questioned again. This time he called on the only brown haired boy in the crowd.

"They kick-butt that's what they do!" he said enthusiastically and got cheers from the rest of the boys while all the girls beamed. I had to grimace. They should be taking this seriously and yet they weren't. Did any of them know the dangers of being a warrior? Obviously not.

"No, I mean what makes my warriors different from any other person in battle." the Magister made clear.

No one raised their hand. They all looked at each other questioningly as if someone else wasn't sharing. He was just about to answer his own question when I crossed my arms and sighed.

"Your warrior's have powers." I blurted as everyone turned to look at me. "I mean everyone has them, they just don't know what the power is and how to work it."

"Correct." the Magister's booming voice said dumbfounded. Nobody-but his warriors-knew about the powers and his question had been meant to be rhetorical. Even if he was confused though, he didn't want to show it. He moved on directly to his next course of action. "Now behind these doors is a devise that will tell us your power and if it's physical or mental."

"Don't you already know our powers though?" I questioned out loud and immediately slammed shut my big, fat mouth. I had to just go with what he said. Questions couldn't be blurted out. They were for myself. I didn't want to seem incompetent asking them. I had to be tough. I had to be as stern faced as the warriors surrounding us. Seeing everything, but looking impartial-even if what I saw confused me-until my services were needed.

"You'll all have different powers. Most will have one, some will have two, though having two is very rare. Any other questions?" when everyone stayed silent, he opened the door to the room and yet again, I struggled to see over the crowd with no success.

"Single file!" the dark green haired warrior from earlier yelled to the crowd and we all followed his exact order. The Magister stepped aside watching from the corner of the room as the warriors took over. "You will all have a power. The mental powers will be seen. For example if we have a shapeshifter that person will change as soon as they sit on the chair. A physical power like super speed will not be seen so the monitor here will tell us your power." he explained. "Now, one at a time you will walk up to the machine and find out your powers, tomorrow we will put you into groups to start your training."

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