Chapter 3: The Confessions

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A/N: I'm sorry for the crappy chapter guys. I didn't edit very well because someone **cough** Katrina **cough** **cough** was rushing me. I'll edit later more so please don't criticize. Don't worry, nothing big will change but I'd like to make it flow better.


Chapter 3: The Confessions

The warriors led us through the maze of hallways-again-and I knew if they ever expected me to duplicate the way I would probably end up at the other side of the castle. Finally, though we ended up in a long corridor lined with doors that opened to bedrooms and all our stuff scattered in the middle of the hall.

"This is the guest housing." a female warrior with teal coloured hair stated. "You will treat these rooms with respect, you will treat each other with respect, and you will treat us with respect. Females on the east, males on the west." she said pointing to the sides we had to go to, in turn.

"We will come to wake you at 5am sharp so you will be in your rooms by eight with no exceptions." a male warrior who I swore was her twin by the looks of them continued from where she had left off. "Any violation of these rules will be punished immediately and we will know if they are broken." he glared at us all. "I hope you all have a good night's rest." The warriors then walked back down the corridor leaving us to sort through all the bags to get our own.

I watched as kids wrestled to grab their bags, until I saw mine then I snuck into the crowd to grab it quickly. The kids who already had their bags were talking among themselves and some were walking into rooms. I, myself, walked to the room closest to me and left the door open for anyone who cared to room with me.

I flopped into the bed on the right-hand side, it had a plush gold cover and a billion pillows. As soon as I hit the bed I sunk into the mattress with a sigh of bliss. This was the kind of bed my sister would fall into and never want to get out of. It was also the kind of bed that I would never be able to sleep in because I was accustomed to beds being firm. Never-the-less it, the plushness was still nice to lay on.

* * *

I don't know how long I actually had laid there trying to fall asleep when there was a knock on the open door. When I looked up, I saw the bright blue haired girl who was in line in front of me earlier. She was standing there nervously, wondering if she wanted to disturb me.

"Hey, do you mind if I room with you?" she asked, hesitant to step foot in the room. I smiled warmly at her, knowing how odd this must be. It was weird for me too, to tell the truth.

"It's fine with me. Come on, in." I answered her, then she walked in the door and closed it. She looked around in confusion first and until finally she decided to walk over to the other bed, in which she was slow to claim as her own.

"This is the first time I ever had to room with someone." she admitted solemnly as my eyes widened in shock. "Anyway I'm Adel Morgan." she paused and considered if she wanted to add her next words. "I'm fourteen years old."

"I'm Kimberly McKay. I'm sixteen years."

"Oh I know. I heard you talking to Jett in line." she said, a grin slowly forming on her face and she giggled as if the thought of him. "He's kinda cute, don't you think?"

"I guess?" I stumbled and my thoughts went back to the black haired boy and to be honest, that thought had never occurred to me before. The only thing I had been focused on was the conversation we'd been having. "I wasn't really thinking of him that way at all." I truthfully told her. He seemed like he'd make an okay friend, and seemed serious enough of what was going on. He hadn't seemed over joyed by the warrior business and not too scared either. Though, I would've liked to know what he had been going to say earlier...

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