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Ruby Winglet and Crystal Winglet will be doing maths (Again if you don't remember which Winglet your in go to the forms section and the winglet's should be there)

The rest of you will be doing hunting/self defence for the Prey Center.

Warning; THERE'S STILL A MOONSBLASTED PROPHECY!!!!!!! (Trying to be Tsunami)

Those who leave to the kingdom of storms,

won't come back, unless it's for the heart.

Find a crystal as bright as stars, and as colourful as flowers

Beware the dragons of Stone, and the minds of the Storm;

Beware the blood eyes, but find what's there.

If love is scarce and far between;

Look to the dragon with a song,

When words of wisdom are not what they seem;

Turn to the queen who remains unseen

Those who go into the fire, the storm and ice;

Might not come back, but if the dark secrets succeed;

All is lost.

Spirit inside-Wings of Fire RP!Where stories live. Discover now