Thursday 6th April

33 3 0

Renee's pov
OMG, 1 more day till my date with Mason!I have to go to the mall to get a super cute dress for tomorrow since Daisy and Tracey already have theirs.
So I asked mom and she decided to take me there. So at the mall, my mom found one of her old school mates, miss Marcy Simms or so. When they were busy chatting and catching up with each others past, I decided to look for my dress myself then I went into forever 21 and found the cutest dress ever!! It was navy blue just like his eyes and was one handed with a flower on the only hand  like a gigantic flower with a beautiful pastel bow at the back, it was just so cute so I bought it with these pastel glass slippers and a pair of baby blue earings a charm necklace and a pastel bracelet. I also got Mason a ring  as a gift. Then as I was going to the counter to pay, I saw a certain blonde at the lipgloss aisle. I just knew it was Madison, because who else would go to the mall to shop for just lipgloss and fill up their carts with it and yes she literally filled up her cart with all kinds of Sassy Sasha lipgloss. I was like girl your lips are gonna burst and soon you'll be vomiting lipgloss but I just said that in my head so no one else heard it but me. I thought that if I'd just walk away, then she wouldn't notice me and so we won't start fighting in the mall, but boy I was wrong. She immediately turned around and was like, hey dork what are you doing here? I'm sure you are here to beg the manager of this store if you could borrow that dress cause I'm sure you don't even have enough money to buy it.

Me: so what makes you think that I don't?

Madison: um cause you aren't rich like me!

Me: gosh you are such a pathetic little phoney, I just came here to buy a dress for my date tomorrow and you just have to ruin my day?

Madison: omg Renee, you have a date I'm pretty sure you payed a freakishly ugly guy to go on a date with you! Aww poor kid.

Me: omg Madison, but I didn't pay your brother so I'm not sure it's a freakishly ugly guy also that guy is Mason McFadden.

Madison: what? Renee did you charm him cause I've asked him on so many dates and he said no. And I don't see how he would pick me over you.

Me: you vain little brat. Just leave me alone.

Mackenzie Clarke: omg Madison, what are doing with this dork.

Madison: mommy, she tried to blame me for what she did. Where is daddy?

Me: what you have got to be kidding me, you were just insulting me now you are acting like a baby? Puhleeze

Mom: Renee let's just avoid trouble and leave.

Then we left, gosh I just love my Mom!!
She just saved me from the witch!!
Anyway now I'm gonna get to sleep , cause I have a date with Mason tomorrow.
~~RJR ~~


I hope you like it!
Dork .
~~f ~~

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